Melbourne has retained its position as the best city in the world to call home.
Often derided as Bleak City by Sydneysiders, Melbourne topped a survey of 130 cities, narrowly beating out the other four Australian capitals surveyed - because its weather rated the best.
Sydney lost ground because its crime rate was rated on a par with New York and London.
1= Melbourne
1= Vancouver
1= Vienna
4 Perth
5 Geneva
6= Adelaide
6= Brisbane
6= Copenhagen
6= Montreal
6= Oslo
6= Sydney
6= Zurich
13= Helsinki
13= Stockholm
13= Toronto
19= Auckland
19= Honolulu
28= Paris
45= London
51= Dublin
51= New York
57= Washington
64= Athens
75= Beijing
130 Port Moresby
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) survey ranked Melbourne, Vancouver and Vienna as the best cities for expatriates to live, with Perth fourth and Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney equal sixth.
Geneva was ranked fifth, while Papua New Guinea's capital Port Moresby kept the title it took in the last survey in October 2002 as the worst.
"Melbourne pretty much top scored in everything," said survey co-editor Jon Copestake.
"But the difference between all the Australian cities is minimal. One thing Sydney had different to the other cities was a higher crime rate, and its climate. Its level of humidity was worse than Melbourne's."
Victorian Tourism Minister John Pandazopoulos said the award was based on a survey of a city's infrastructure, access, education levels, crime rate, focus on the environment, culture and events, its diversity and how connected it was with the rest of the world.
Mr Pandazopoulos said even Melbourne's weather rated better than Sydney's.
"It's a brilliant pat on the back for Melbourne, particularly for two years in a row," he said.
"We already promote ourselves as the world's most liveable city, we can continue doing that."
Mr Pandazopoulos said the award backed Victoria's record as the only Australian state in which international visitor rates grew for the past two years.
He said Melbourne was also a very affordable city, where people got value for money for great products, including top fashion and restaurants.
He said the government would continue to work hard to meet the balance of stimulating a vibrant economy and social standards to ensure Melbourne remained one of the world's best cities.
The London-based EIU assessed the level of hardship for expatriates in the 130 cities, using 12 factors including housing, education, recreational activities, health, climate and terrorism.
Cities were rated one to five in the 12 categories, with one meaning there was no hardship and five indicating extreme hardship.
Melbourne received the perfect one in each category, including its unpredictable weather, to give it an overall score of one.
The other Australian cities were all given a two for climate, while Adelaide also received two for housing, Brisbane and Perth scored two for transport and Sydney for its crime. Port Moresby received five for crime and an overall score of 80.
While Perth was given an overall mark of 1.1, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney scored 1.2.
The heightened terrorist threat only had a minimal impact on western cities, even those in the United States, largely because of newly developed security measures.
The highest ranked US city was Honolulu in 19th on eight points, while New York was 51st with 16 and Washington was the lowest of 16 American cities in the survey at 57th, mainly due to a higher risk of terrorism giving it an overall score of 19.
London was equal 45th, along with Los Angeles, Madrid and San Francisco.
Kuwait fell the most places, dropping from 87 to 97 because of the war in neighbouring Iraq, while Harare suffered the greatest actual drop in living standards as a result of ongoing unrest and slid eight places to 118.
The Iraqi capital Baghdad was not included in the survey.
was this survey made by a white guy for a white guy?
2008 worldwide survey says the most expensive cities in the world
Singapore is 13th
Melbourne is 36th
Singapore is 13th.
For foreigners maybe.
There is not high taxes in singapore, how come it is 13?
This is the second time Melbourne has earned the title of the world's most liveable city.
Isnt 2004 a little too long ago can you give us the 2008 article?
Liveability ranking
Urban idylls
Apr 28th 2008
Vancouver remains the most liveable city; Harare is still intolerable
With a rating of almost 100, Vancouver is the world's most liveable city according to the Economist Intelligence Unit’s latest liveability ranking (see full report). The city, which will host the Winter Olympics in 2010, achieves the best possible score for all indicators, with the exception of prevalence of petty crime. Canada and Australia perform strongly because they benefit from good infrastructure, plenty of recreational activities and relatively low population density. The threat of violence and instability puts half of the ten lowest scores in Africa, and continuing strife in Zimbabwe keeps Harare in last position.
The Economist Intelligence Unit’s liveability rating quantifies the challenges that might be presented to an individual's lifestyle in 140 cities worldwide. Each city is assigned a score for over 30 qualitative and quantitative factors across five broad categories: stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure. The categories are compiled and weighted to provide an overall rating of 1–100, where 1 is considered intolerable and 100 is considered ideal.
Originally posted by Ah Chia:Singapore is 13th.
For foreigners maybe.
Singpore is the 13th most expensive city in the world.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:
Melbourne has retained its position as the best city in the world to call home.
Often derided as Bleak City by Sydneysiders, Melbourne topped a survey of 130 cities, narrowly beating out the other four Australian capitals surveyed - because its weather rated the best.
Sydney lost ground because its crime rate was rated on a par with New York and London.
1= Melbourne
1= Vancouver
1= Vienna
4 Perth
5 Geneva
6= Adelaide
6= Brisbane
6= Copenhagen
6= Montreal
6= Oslo
6= Sydney
6= Zurich
13= Helsinki
13= Stockholm
13= Toronto
19= Auckland
19= Honolulu
28= Paris
45= London
51= Dublin
51= New York
57= Washington
64= Athens
75= Beijing
130 Port Moresby
The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) survey ranked Melbourne, Vancouver and Vienna as the best cities for expatriates to live, with Perth fourth and Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney equal sixth.
Geneva was ranked fifth, while Papua New Guinea's capital Port Moresby kept the title it took in the last survey in October 2002 as the worst.
"Melbourne pretty much top scored in everything," said survey co-editor Jon Copestake.
"But the difference between all the Australian cities is minimal. One thing Sydney had different to the other cities was a higher crime rate, and its climate. Its level of humidity was worse than Melbourne's."
Victorian Tourism Minister John Pandazopoulos said the award was based on a survey of a city's infrastructure, access, education levels, crime rate, focus on the environment, culture and events, its diversity and how connected it was with the rest of the world.
Mr Pandazopoulos said even Melbourne's weather rated better than Sydney's.
"It's a brilliant pat on the back for Melbourne, particularly for two years in a row," he said.
"We already promote ourselves as the world's most liveable city, we can continue doing that."
Mr Pandazopoulos said the award backed Victoria's record as the only Australian state in which international visitor rates grew for the past two years.
He said Melbourne was also a very affordable city, where people got value for money for great products, including top fashion and restaurants.
He said the government would continue to work hard to meet the balance of stimulating a vibrant economy and social standards to ensure Melbourne remained one of the world's best cities.
The London-based EIU assessed the level of hardship for expatriates in the 130 cities, using 12 factors including housing, education, recreational activities, health, climate and terrorism.
Cities were rated one to five in the 12 categories, with one meaning there was no hardship and five indicating extreme hardship.
Melbourne received the perfect one in each category, including its unpredictable weather, to give it an overall score of one.
The other Australian cities were all given a two for climate, while Adelaide also received two for housing, Brisbane and Perth scored two for transport and Sydney for its crime. Port Moresby received five for crime and an overall score of 80.
While Perth was given an overall mark of 1.1, Adelaide, Brisbane and Sydney scored 1.2.
The heightened terrorist threat only had a minimal impact on western cities, even those in the United States, largely because of newly developed security measures.
The highest ranked US city was Honolulu in 19th on eight points, while New York was 51st with 16 and Washington was the lowest of 16 American cities in the survey at 57th, mainly due to a higher risk of terrorism giving it an overall score of 19.
London was equal 45th, along with Los Angeles, Madrid and San Francisco.
Kuwait fell the most places, dropping from 87 to 97 because of the war in neighbouring Iraq, while Harare suffered the greatest actual drop in living standards as a result of ongoing unrest and slid eight places to 118.
The Iraqi capital Baghdad was not included in the survey.
I believe wat you say that u have never come across a shooting in mel,where
u have stayed for few years.Figures dunt cheat,like u play games
in casino.If u play long,u sure will lose to a penny.
Like crime rate,this is the probability.But luck play a major part too.
Like in Spore,some car owners have been broken in few months,
while their frens never be so unlucky in few decades.
Figures from that in a year if u stay in Mel,there is a 7% chance
that u will be a victim of crime,be it against u or your property.
How does EIU define High crime rate or low crime rate?
Does EIU consider 7500 crime cases in Mel per 100,000 population is still low?
u say Sydney crime rate are on par with like NY and London.
But Sydney still get 9 th position!!
I dunt think there are too much different in crime rates in Mel and Sydney.
But read wat EIU said:
Aug 22nd 2007
With low crime, little threat from instability or terrorism and a highly developed transport and communications infrastructure, Canada and Australia are home to the most liveable destinations in the world. Four of the ten most liveable cities surveyed by the Economist Intelligence Unit are in Australia, and two of the top five are Canadian (see full report). Vancouver is the most attractive destination, with a liveability index of just 1.3% (see table).''
crime rate in oz major cities
u are correct.In Sydney,in a year,7% or households and 4% of persons
were victims of crime.
u can see Mel crime rate is 7500 per 100,000 population.
i can figure out how a city 10 times of crime rate as Singapore
can be the most livable.
May be i cant appreciate other factors,like freedom to shot,
freedom to possessa gun legally,or illegally etc etc
u can see many SG people interested in Oz crime rates.
Pl share more asap.Thanks.
Crime rate in Victoria,10 times more than SG per 100,000 pax
i have said many times in this forum that ranking alone cannot put foods
on the table for we common folks.U are the one to suffer or enjoy from
your decisions where to park your lovely one.
Like HK,which has been declared as The Most Free Economy in the world
by The Heritage Foundation.But in the past 12 years,HK grew slower than
Singapore.About 55 % vs 80%!!
Singapore remain No.3 in The Global Financial Centres Index
This just released index is co--complied by City of London Corporation (March 2009).
So,can SG just sit and enjoy full employment?We cant.
This just hopefully reduce our umemployment!!
Mark Yeandle, Jeremy Horne, Nick Danev and Alexander Knapp of the Z/Yen Group,
The Global Financial Centres Index -
5 , 56 pages,
City of London Corporation (March 2009)
The Global
Financial Centres Index - 5 ,
co--complied by
''The City of London provides local government services for the financial and commercial heart of Britain, the 'Square Mile'.''
Fark u lionoisy, singapore takes its money from the citizens through price increases ect to pay for any shortfalls in economy and to remain in top spots in many fields. With low wages , of cos it will remain to be financial centre
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:
Melbourne has retained its position as the best city in the world to call home.
Often derided as Bleak City by Sydneysiders, Melbourne topped a survey of 130 cities, narrowly beating out the other four Australian capitals surveyed - because its weather rated the best.
Sydney lost ground because its crime rate was rated on a par with New York and London.
1= Melbourne
1= Vancouver
1= Vienna
4 Perth
5 Geneva
6= Adelaide
6= Brisbane
6= Copenhagen
6= Montreal
6= Oslo
6= Sydney
6= Zurich
13= Helsinki
13= Stockholm
13= Toronto
Mr Pandazopoulos said the award backed Victoria's record as the only Australian state in which international visitor rates grew for the past two years.
He said Melbourne was also a very affordable city, where people got value for money for great products, including top fashion and restaurants.
He said the government would continue to work hard to meet the balance of stimulating a vibrant economy and social standards to ensure Melbourne remained one of the world's best cities.
The London-based EIU assessed the level of hardship for expatriates in the 130 cities, using 12 factors including housing, education, recreational activities, health, climate and terrorism.
Cities were rated one to five in the 12 categories, with one meaning there was no hardship and five indicating extreme hardship.
Melbourne received the perfect one in each category, including its unpredictable weather, to give it an overall score of one.
Health is one of the factors.Right?But accoding to oz medias,it seem
the health sys of Melbourne is not so healthy!!
Mel is the only metro city in Vic!!
AN audit of four Victorian hospitals has exposed "fundamental flaws" in data accuracy and says information gathering is unreliable.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:Fark u lionoisy, singapore takes its money from the citizens through price increases ect to pay for any shortfalls in economy and to remain in top spots in many fields. With low wages , of cos it will remain to be financial centre
how can u say PAP takes $$ from citizens when over 80%
of citizens stay in HDB?If low wage can ,make country to FC,
then our neighbours shall make it long time ago!!
2.U cant just look at absolute figures of wages.u have to look at the overall
living standard including--taxation,mortgage interest rate!!
and some intangible one!!
social--crimes,gangsters,drugs,racial harmony etc
economy----opportunity of jobs(How can SG feed 1,000,000 Foreigners here
is a mystery.)SG GDP per capita at PPP is 33% higher than oz.Why?
military ,the willingness to defend----read The Australian Journalist of the Year write about oz defense(less)!!SAF is small.But she make sure enemy to pay a high price
if they want to change the flag is Istana!!
Cameron Stewart BILLIONS of dollars of fighter jets, warships and military equipment cannot be used because they would be too vulnerable to attack.
Cameron Stewart AUSTRALIA spends $22 billion on its forces but poor planning means they are not equipped for battle.''
I know this few ugly people cant represent all oz people.
Indeed,this ugly saga did happen in Sydney.
''The final screams of a dying man, the last breath of a dying woman, in front of a thrilled audience murmuring at the horror of it all, yet sipping from a mug of hot coffee as they move closer to the action.''
''But this is no final salute.
They died as mothers in pyjamas and dressing gowns watched on with dozy toddlers.
As teenagers strutted around the crime scene, exhilarated, to see tragedy unfold.
Sirens and flashing blue-red lights of emergency cars or as one youth says, "the party vans" lured them to the scene.
They jostled to find a clearer view. They laughed, maybe at a private joke, and took photographs.
The bodies were still in view. Gore porn.
Crash victims too often die, not only in excruciating pain but as a public spectacle.
final screams of a dying man, the last breath of a dying woman, in
front of a thrilled audience murmuring at the horror of it all, yet
sipping from a mug of hot coffee as they move closer to the action.
"He was screaming, he was yelling for help," one man said at the scene.
"We called triple-0 and tried to open the door but one look at him and you knew he was gone."
Theirs was a grim end. They died and crowds stared, shocked and open-mouthed, or wide-eyed and jovial and did little to help.
both scenes there were good Samaritans, there was the family who saw
the car beginning to catch fire and went searching for a hose. There
was the neighbour who put it out with a fire extinguisher.
Most of the rubberneckers who stopped to see the carnage just watch.
"What can I do?" one woman said, who refused to give her name but loudly announced: "There's no way he's getting out alive."
"It's not like I know CPR."
not - but one cn in tow, treating crime scenes as movie
theatres with snacks and drinks.
Because the last thing that the dying victims saw was just that. '',27574,25273360-1242,00.html
By Vikki Campion,The Daily Telegraph,April 01, 2009
''Gore porn ... people watched on as a man screamed for help to free his loved-one from this car. Picture: Bill Hearne.''
Originally posted by Martinssqar23:i so agree,..that's why i will be studying in australia for masters or maybe il be living ther for im practicing swimming... so that i can enjoy the good water sports there.hehehe sportz are the best there according to my friends.. .
Oh, so good, u go there and study nice nice ya, get yr master and hv a good bed there too, ...oh! u need to practice swimming there too...hmmm here got no pool hor. Hope u get good result and stay there, dun come back ya. We can hv foreign talents here.
Originally posted by lionnoisy:I believe wat you say that u have never come across a shooting in mel,where
u have stayed for few years.Figures dunt cheat,like u play games
in casino.If u play long,u sure will lose to a penny.
Like crime rate,this is the probability.But luck play a major part too.
Like in Spore,some car owners have been broken in few months,
while their frens never be so unlucky in few decades.
Figures from that in a year if u stay in Mel,there is a 7% chance
that u will be a victim of crime,be it against u or your property.
How does EIU define High crime rate or low crime rate?
Does EIU consider 7500 crime cases in Mel per 100,000 population is still low?
u say Sydney crime rate are on par with like NY and London.
But Sydney still get 9 th position!!
I dunt think there are too much different in crime rates in Mel and Sydney.
But read wat EIU said:
''Liveability ranking
Aug 22nd 2007
From Economist.comWith low crime, little threat from instability or terrorism and a highly developed transport and communications infrastructure, Canada and Australia are home to the most liveable destinations in the world. Four of the ten most liveable cities surveyed by the Economist Intelligence Unit are in Australia, and two of the top five are Canadian (see full report). Vancouver is the most attractive destination, with a liveability index of just 1.3% (see table).''
crime rate in oz major cities
u are correct.In Sydney,in a year,7% or households and 4% of persons
were victims of crime.
4509.1 - Crime and Safety, New South Wales, Apr 2008
u can see Mel crime rate is 7500 per 100,000 population.
1367.2 - State and Regional Indicators, Victoria, Sep 2008
i can figure out how a city 10 times of crime rate as Singapore
can be the most livable.
May be i cant appreciate other factors,like freedom to shot,
freedom to possessa gun legally,or illegally etc etc
u can see many SG people interested in Oz crime rates.
Pl share more asap.Thanks.
Crime rate in Victoria,10 times more than SG per 100,000 pax
Crimes committed in AUS are by uneducated blokes , unemployed and regular patrons of clubs.
And FYI, it happens in those shady areas like nightspots, I have never seen a crime in the suburbs.
In fact i can leave my windows open when i go to work and it is still safer than singapore.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:Crimes committed in AUS are by uneducated blokes , unemployed and regular patrons of clubs.
And FYI, it happens in those shady areas like nightspots, I have never seen a crime in the suburbs.
In fact i can leave my windows open when i go to work and it is still safer than singapore.
me too, in singapore, i also leave my window opens when we go out shopping or dinner, and best of all, we dun have to work.
Originally posted by Worldlybusinessman:Crimes committed in AUS are by uneducated blokes , unemployed and regular patrons of clubs.
And FYI, it happens in those shady areas like nightspots, I have never seen a crime in the suburbs.
In fact i can leave my windows open when i go to work and it is still safer than singapore.
congra congra.
can u share more general info of oz?I hope u can share more positive
side to balance my negatives side.
BTW,i just copy and paste oz main stream medias info.
Victoria Hospital crisis: 2356 died waiting
i cant stand any gavaman or civil servant to fake records.
Unfortunately,it happened in Victoria regional hospitals.
But i must remind myself that there are too many other positive stuff
to enjoy Down Under!
''The (Victorian)Government has announced a statewide audit of hospital surgery lists after another hospital was found to have deliberately manipulated its data.
Beleaguered Health Minister Daniel Andrews was forced to act yesterday after the Victorian Auditor-General found Latrobe Regional Hospital had falsified vital data.
The Royal Melbourne, Royal Children's and Dandenong hospitals were criticised for errors in collection of data.
It was revealed this week that almost 2000 patient records were manipulated to improve the Royal Women's Hospital's performance statistics in a decade-long rort by staff to get more state funding.'',21985,25277675-2862,00.html
April 02, 2009 12:00am
MORE than 2300 Victorians have died while on surgery waiting lists in the past five years.