Don't want to vote for PAP, so vote for WP, NSP or whatever. The 'others' get a spread-share of the votes, so PAP end up with majority and win government.
When does one make a strategic call to vote for the most likely-to-win oppostion, rather than have the opposition-votes spread across various parties? Not quite democracy at its best, but better than nothing?
Hasn't this topic been done to death in the forum?
First thing that comes to mind is the objective of one's vote: For example, are we voting on an institutional or individualistic level, for the "greater good" or to further self interests?
We weigh the risks and rewards before casting a vote - you can't expect Voter A's strategic call to be aligned with Voter B's.
Originally posted by Loor:Don't want to vote for PAP, so vote for WP, NSP or whatever.
Got people start thread here and tell people to vote for PAP one meh?
That's the role of state media.
Originally posted by soleachip:Hasn't this topic been done to death in the forum?
First thing that comes to mind is the objective of one's vote: For example, are we voting on an institutional or individualistic level, for the "greater good" or to further self interests?
We weigh the risks and rewards before casting a vote - you can't expect Voter A's strategic call to be aligned with Voter B's.
Always bear in mind that there are a substantial number of people out there who are doing well. You can call them ball-less, stupid, boot licker, sheep, all you want till you are satisfied. It will not stop them from voting the PAP and send their maids to queue for their condo purchase.
They don't like the PAP, but they want more good years.
I will always be voting for "greater good" of Singapore.
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Originally posted by Loor:Don't want to vote for PAP, so vote for WP, NSP or whatever. The 'others' get a spread-share of the votes, so PAP end up with majority and win government.
When does one make a strategic call to vote for the most likely-to-win oppostion, rather than have the opposition-votes spread across various parties? Not quite democracy at its best, but better than nothing?
What are you talking about? Only one constituency had a 3 way fight. The opposition was smart to fight 1:1 everywhere but there.