A police report has been filed against Marine Parade MP-elect Tin Pei Ling for posting a comment on her Facebook page on Cooling-off Day.
According to election regulations, candidates are not supposed to campaign during that period.
But a police spokesman confirmed on Monday night that a report has been made and they will be investigating. Details of the report or the person were not revealed but it's believed the report was filed by a member of the public.
This incident in question is not new. A similar complaint was issued by the National Solidarity Party (NSP)'s Nicole Seah to the Elections Department on May 6th -- designated to be Cooling-off Day -- regarding a comment posted Ms Tin's Facebook page at 1:33pm.
The comment read, "OooOoooOooh! so that's what REALLY happened? Wow. I think tears in Parliament is worse than ANYTHING ELSE!"
The comment was in reference to an incident involving Nicole Seah, who was part of the NSP team contesting Marine Parade GRC. A day earlier, it was reported she had cried upon listening to a story about how a resident in MacPherson could not afford tuition fees for her young son.
The comment was removed 20 minutes after it was posted.
Tin, who was part of SM Goh Chok Tong's Marine Parade PAP team that beat the challenge by the NSP, had earlier explained that the comment was posted by one of her Facebook administrators, Ms Denise He.
When contacted by The New Paper, Ms He clarified that she had mixed up her Facebook accounts and had mistakenly uploaded the post. Tin said the post was removed after she notified He.
According to local socio-political blog Temasek Review, the NSP now also intends to follow up on its initial complaint.
NSP chief Goh Meng Seng said, "Now that someone has filed a police report, we can pursue it once we have the police statement … This is good for Singapore too. Cooling-off Day is a new rule and we don't know how the authorities will react to the filing of reports. This will set a precedent for future elections."
The news has also created a buzz on micro-blogging platform Twitter.