In the past several weeks we have heard the Gospel themed "Rise Up" campaign on the radio. Our band has had a song called "Rise Up" for a few years and we started thinking that there are some fans out there that may not feel too fired up with a Gospel themed campaign because thats not the type of music they listen to regularly so maybe there could be a hip hop version, a rock version, etc to reach different fans that get fired up musically in different ways. We are huge fans of the Falcons and figured we would lend our song in support of the campaign.<>NFL jerseys</url>
Dear Enemy has started a campaign to raise support for the Atlanta, Falcons’ upcoming season. What better way to support the hometown team than with a song from a hometown band?! Dear Enemy has gone back in the studio to rerecord and reproduce their song, “Rise Up,” in support of the Falcons and to help get some hard rock and metal fans more fired up about a great season. They can hear the song and share at:
Feel free to take a listen or don't but the main point is let's get the Atlanta fans more fired up about the Falcons this season and get some butts in the seats!!! We realize not everyone is into hard/rock and metal and this is in no way meant to be representation of all Atlanta fans but we figured this is something that could reach the niche of fans that are more affected by this type of music. This is not intended to be spam or soliciting but rather a start of a discussion on your feelings about the new "Rise Up" campaign and if you think it can work to get the fans excited about the upcoming season and also if you think different styles of music would be more effective in doing so.