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Hi everybody i've always wanted to learn boxing. When i was young i used to take Tae Kwon do but now after many many heres hehe i've grown fat and stuff LOL. So was wondering i mean i'm quite a hefty person. Hahah not say i'm comparing myself to him but somewhat like butterbean. I mean i see him not that i wanna be him or what la haha just saying his big and he can box you know.
So anyplace that you guys can reccomend for me to try out basic training and build up skills or maybe enter fights or something?
No as in i can't learn to or you dont know a place to learn?
Butterbean is different..he doesnt rely on his agility but relies on his stability and heavy hooks...and somewhat, he is like a novelty because of his size and his face...
look at bob sapp..he's humungous but when u look at his training video, he skips 2000 times per training session and does bull tackles..
Uhm.... ok, the topic was more of if i'm bigsized can i learn boxing? And do you know of an effective place.
yup u can learn ah..
Originally posted by LetsUnite:Uhm.... ok, the topic was more of if i'm bigsized can i learn boxing? And do you know of an effective place.
But the technique you will be learning has to be adapted for your size.
I doubt that you can easily master the "la lurcha" used by the mexican boxers in their boxing repetoirs.
Basically i wanna try learn boxing, i mean its challengin 1 and 2 i feel that with rigorous and continued training i might be able to even drop a pound or two.
Not to go pro or what la hahaha.
Can u can even Sammo Hung can
This is some basic i learn from thailand from one of my thailand friend when i was there for 4months+. First the best if u want to practice some basic yourself, u can use a wooden chop stick to hit your nutter.. to make it stronger. After that applied chinese medicated oil(mint) to relieve pain and inter injured. Repeat this everyday for few months u will find out your fingers is stronger than the past. This is how thai boxer train their arm and leg to be strong!