I believe that this topic is well familarized by all. Having worked in office jobs at different places, you somehow realize that office jobs would entail some type of office politics. No matter where you go, there would be some people with difficult personalities. This is what makes it difficult.
And sometimes, it just feels tiring having to handle them. As much as i try to ignore them, they are there. So i dislike the advice to "ignore them" when they are the one stirring shit.
Do you sometimes encounter this as well?
It's just tiring sometimes.
It's really hard to get balance
u shd read �拉拉
Then start your own business and be your own boss loh.
shit stirrers just want to find somebody to hate.
so just need to identify who they are, you go stir them up by instilling suspicion, distrust among them, so that they will start politiking with one another, and leave you along.
well, if you can't avoid it, think it as a game, play along, you will find it easier as you are getting familiar with the rules.
Cheer up. Like what you mentioned, that's part and parcel of corporate world. Good to have build someemotional resilience towards such unproductive matters. It is always best not to participate in groups that engages in excessive gossips, most times or rather matter of time, you will become their topic.
You should probably stay away as much as possible and just maintain a distance from them. Avoid speaking to them.