hey guys... i recently just listen to tegomass song and is so dam nice then i like tegomass now... i am so called a fan of them la.. haha
then i just did a search on them.. then somehow got this person named shige... how is shige related to tegomass?
i tot tegomass is only a band made up of two person? tegoshi and masuda... who is shige?
and tegomass rocks!
Originally posted by ItchyArmpit:hey guys... i recently just listen to tegomass song and is so dam nice then i like tegomass now... i am so called a fan of them la.. haha
then i just did a search on them.. then somehow got this person named shige... how is shige related to tegomass?
i tot tegomass is only a band made up of two person? tegoshi and masuda... who is shige?
and tegomass rocks!
Hi ItchyArmpit,
Tegoshi is both a member of Tegomass and NEWS.
Shige, otherwise known as Shigeaki, is a fellow member of Tegoshi in NEWS.
o ic!!! so there is 2 different bands, NEWS and tegomass....
and tegoshi and masuda are in both tegomass and NEWS... NICE!!
woah really like tegomass...