Well, i guess the end will come after derek and tom heading to army.. sad to say .. Even tot derek want to maintain the clan so much.. but wat i can say is the support player in MC tat count which can helped.. . This will be my last post as wat i have to say to all of the others who care. i mean care for their friend..
Wat i heard some perhap will be going to other competitive clan..(well i fine with u guys decision) As for me, derek is my friend lor.. why not put yourself in his shoes.. u set up a clan lor, then later found that all yrs cs friend leave to other more competitive clan after u gone.* didnt u find all this is So fake? didnt u feel hurt?
Well as for me i will stay in MC and awaiting for the OLD mc come back from army to come back or hopefull they will also wait for me till my army finish.....(probably we dun play cs liao,out door activity? =p) hope tat not a dream =) i have faith in OLD MCs..
To be frank, i really never regret joining cs clan.. its really teach me alot and meet all kind of person.. There ' s ppl i seem put all their faith on the clan not wishing to gain anything in return while some putting 100 percent efford and wish to gain back 100 percent in return. In real life,, this wont be possible.. this goes the same to bgr ..
i meet ppl who really treated friend like brothers.. i meet ppl who tok alot for themselves and yet do notin to help or add fire i meet ppl who tok soo much sense in forum but in the end do thing for their own s good... i meet ppl who quit the clan not knowing wat impact they have done and how important their role is.. i meet ppl who cares more about his friend then caring about themself.. i Also have meet ppl like loneraider tat come to MC and secretly gone to XR trail not telling us a dman about it.. this can greatly reflect on wat kind if person he is..
i have also meet ppl who run and gone when thing crop up and left their clan mates to wear its old shoes.. as for some who have left to other clan for more competitive reason.. well i still treated u as a friend lor but only " a hi and goodbye friend "and never will i treated u like brothers and truth friend....
zan have stated tat MC is not a clan but brotherhood clan .. well i agree but tat only goes to the Old mc and this few new mc.. like shane weihong and melvin.(some i till dunno)
i really never see u guys wrong If MC 1 day really came back to live again , wat i really want to stress is DUN ANY HOW RECUIT OR recuit ppl for competitive suspose.. cos the will only alive when yrs clan is competitive and leave when the clan is useless to himm..?? u want this kind of friend?
only same type of blood and tinking work up best dun u tink??(who cares about friends their role and responsibility..) not to boost this few loyal player like keith lionel nir, tang(even tot i know him not long), deadduck, panda, and some i forget their name.. who quited cs and mc together from the start tll the end.. ) they really deserve my respect as they really is a loyal friend and clan mate to me i suspose =p
Well farewell friends,, hopefully we can meet 1 day again other then mirc-)
an essay that fails in english... d7 -.-'
but are thoerically truthful and touching.
------------------ -wu.di.shi.ji.mo.de-
This is a flawless essay of truth. I just hoped for the same
You know wats the big main reason why s.b left MC?
Get over minor pettiness...dun squabble over minor things....
MC actually can be as close-knit as Elm and clan R...for example... But i see squabbles always...not very gracious among own team mates.
But one thing for sure...very united when someone is opposed against MC.
You know wats the big main reason why s.b left MC?
Get over minor pettiness...dun squabble over minor things....
MC actually can be as close-knit as Elm and clan R...for example... But i see squabbles always...not very gracious among own team mates.
But one thing for sure...very united when someone is opposed against MC.