we so supportive on u .. den u must be optimistic like us..
dun always like ai si buay si leh..
we really love u ~!~!~!~!~!~!~!~
eh? reply plz !! lolz
:p :p :p
Just to explain some things, I did not post this coz i dun have confidence or watever. Its just that I may not have the time to take on such responsibility, thus the main purpose of this post is for you guys to voice out who u think can take on such responsibility.
Well...my sub paper is going to be over in like 12 hours time, so i will be back to settle suffs i should have done.
Anywayz, thanks for the support u guys shown, I will try to fulfill my job. Till then, good luck to all, espectially myself coz i dun wanna retain.
------------------ Ever noticed how a minute can seem so long? How it stands still when times are so wrong. Ever noticed how a minute can go so fast? In good times when you wish they would last. Ever notice how dark the skies can really be? On those nights when your feeling a little lonely. Ever notice how bright the skies can seem? When your not afraid to let yourself dream. Ever notice how love can break your heart? Moving in completely and ripping it apart. Ever notice how love can also set you free? Opening your eyes so you can see eternity. Ever notice how time can stand still? Haunting your mind and weakening your will. Ever notice how time can pass right by? Taking precious moments in a blink of an eye. Ever notice how life can be so unfair? Leaving pain and sorrows without even a care. Ever notice how life can be so sweet? Pieces coming together making us so complete. Ever notice when you love someone to much? Closer you try to get the further your out of touch. Ever notice when you love someone with all Makes everything else seems so small. For I have taken notice of all these things you see Because of all this love you have given to me.
-=MC=-N|rVaNa Don't you dare move into my crosshair....
[This message has been edited by -=MC=-N|rVaNa (edited 06 June 2001).]
------------------ >>>>>mEsS wIf tHe bEsT,dIe liKe tHe ReSt......<<<<<<
hEy jImMy.. sMiLeZ mAnZ!.. bEiNg A lEaDeR iSn'T sOmEtHiNg EaZi.. wE aLL nOe tt.. bUt lOOk aT tHis.. wE aLL hAvE cONfIdEnCe iN u.. u dUn hAvE tO bE oN fOrM eVErY tRaIniNg.. u R nO gOd.. sO R wE.. jUz tAkE a dEeP bReATh aNd rELaX.. i'Ve sEeN u lEaD b4.. tHeRe'S nOtHInG wRoNg.. fRiEndShiP iS wAt wE cArE 4.. dUn uPsEt uRsElF 4 tHiS.. wE r aLwAyS sUpPoRtiNg u.. tAkE cArE..
-=MC=-StEaR|C^.45th oNcE tHe LeGeNdArY [CC]Mercenaries.. haha