When bennett recruited me at the beginning of the year, he made me promise to give as much as I could to the MC clan... In other words, try my hardest to come to every training session, attend all the matches (if I'm playing or not) and so on...
In case I haven't told you all, the reason I'm in Singapore this year is because I failed my first year of exams at University in London, those resits are coming up in mid-May. As you can probably guess, my Mum wasn't too happy about me failing <grin>, so I've suffered through a year of being treated as a 14 year-old (YEAH, I'm 20 OKAY?) like having a curfew and only being allowed out once or twice a week. Urgh, where am I going with this?
Oh yeah, the point is, I feel terrible coz I love CS, MC rocks as a clan, and I really wish I could attend more MC stuff. The only way I can make it on Thursday is because my Mum thinks I have a night class <hehe>, and even then I'm gonna have to miss a week or two in May when my exams are on. So, I want to apologise to you all know, when these exams are over, I'll be setting up a tent outside CA and I never intend to leave, I'll be there as much as I can and I'll give you all a big present.
Even after I go back to Uni in September, I'll be spending some 5 months a year in Singapore (yeah, Uni holidays are cool) so hopefully I can still contribute to MC even then...
Thanks for reading, this was all absolutely serious apart from the part about the presents... Sorry...