[From my email]
Date: Wed, 14 Mar 2001 02:02:35 +0800
To: Adrian Lee <
[email protected]>
From: Zakyn <
[email protected]> | Block Address | Add to Address Book
[email protected]Hi,
Firstly, your site is still over-subscribed as of today; thus we decided to do a little background checking and things like that. This was what we pull up from the applications and found that one of your technical contact namely koyo aka Adrian request for the older files to be put back.*(See Email below)
>At 20:55 2/5/01 +0800, you wrote:
>>okie~~ thankie~~ will wait~~but pls be quick.
>With regards to your request to move your files back, this has been done,
>however your disk utilization is currently running at 72259KB, which is
>roughly 3 times in excess of your quota of 25000KB.
>We have moved all 72MB of your files back to the directory temporarily to
>facilitate getting your site up and running, but please be advised to trim
>this as soon as possible. Thank you..
>Network Operations, HTGK.com.sg
>Now accepting applications for web hosting :
Note the date, it was essentially on 2/5/01 that Adrian aka Koyo agreed on clearing up the old files. It has since been over a month; and our second email did not seem to get the message across over either.
On another issue, we recently visited your site and found a "partial" threat on it updated today *(Below)
> This is TXLamer the pagn admin (26 yrs old) who jio WaterF|sh for a fight
>Balls to u asshole. If u really come tomolo and find snappers' trouble, your in for a good time.
The above even comes with a Picture of the Admin involved.
Essentially, HTGK is affiliated with PAGN. We do not know your grievances with the particular person involved however "insulting/threatening" a person publicly on a web site is liable for a lawsuit. (libel, defamation)
Even though HTGK is not liable for our content by hosted sites, it does reflect badly on us. In short, we do hope that such occurrences do not appear and the above is removed ASAP.
HTGK will be trimming your site down to the max quota of 25 megs by this week.
Lastly, we noted that your esteemed clan is looking for a commercial hosting; thus if you do move out, we wish you all the best.
HTGK Operations
P.S. HTGK has a 3-tier system whereby the site would be wiped when we do send the 3rd letter.
At 12:15 AM 3/12/2001 -0800, Adrian Lee wrote:
Thank you for your reminder.
I will get down to this ASAP.
--- Zakyn <
[email protected]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Below this email is a copy of the email I sent out
> to your clan website
> moderators. I have taken the liberty to send the
> email out 3 times.
> However, we here at HTGK has still not received any
> email whatsoever yet on
> the status of the issue at hand. I have tried my
> hardest to locate your
> clan and even gone to the extent of searching for
> your forum group and
> trying to extract email for ppl to send to.
> In short, there is a limit to our patience and we do
> hope Clan MC address
> the problem which we have pointed out to you in our
> earlier email
> The issues are as follows
> a) Oversubscription of web space.
> As said earlier, your clan is currently
> oversubscribed 3 times per
> our hosting agreement.
> b) There are "susipicious" material storing on
> our server on your
> webspace for the past month
> "first_love_noodle_ost.zip" which is over
> 20+ megs big.
> Please inform your clan website moderators to get
> back to us ASAP on this.
> Regards
> Zakyn
[email protected]>
> HTGK Operations
> ___________________________________
> Hi,
> Firstly, I would like to thank you guys for hosting
> with HTGK. We are very
> honored to be hosting clans such as you guys.
> However it has come to our
> notice that your site is taking up quite a bit more
> space than our other
> hosted sites. As you probably have recall reading
> our SLA, hosted sites are
> only allowed up to a maximum of 25 megabytes.
> Our current count of your site is about 3 times
> oversubscribed at a
> whopping 71 megabytes. This seems to have being
> going on about 3-4 days now
> as informed by our sysadmin; even though we could
> enforce disk quota, HTGK
> choose not to as we do not want to clamp down on
> people's creativity and
> understand that certain situations require some
> finesse in handling file
> uploads. However we truly think there is no
> justification for your current
> disk usage. We also note that since there are links
> on your site to
> "nitrodesign" as well as "skynode"; webspace and/or
> bandwidth is not a huge
> problem with your esteemed clan.
> On our side, your over subscription means that we
> cannot host more sites
> such as yours, thus depriving other clans similar to
> yours a space to host
> their clan webpage.
> We truly hope that the situation is remedied ASAP
> before further action is
> taken. If you need us to help you in regulating
> and/or deleting your files,
> please drop us a line.
> Regards
> Zakyn
> HTGK Operations
> P.S. Attached to this email are some screenshot of
> the files which we think
> are truly "not justified"
> MC1 is a picture of a file called
> "first_love_noodle_ost.zip" which is 20+
> meg big. We truly do not want to know what it is;
> please note however that
> any MP3 is a direct violation of international
> copyright laws. Porn is also
> a direct violation of Singapore's laws.
> MC2 is a picture of a folder containing various
> pictures. They are of high
> quality and we do not think such is needed. As some
> of you might be web
> designers by profession. 72 DPI is enough for most
> pictures and 15 megs of
> pictures is not an efficient usage of space. It also
> makes your particular
> page loads very slowly.
[End of Quotation]
As you could see, we have quite some conflicts with HTGK and we are quite restricted and that is my view that we should look for another webhost which impose lesser restriction on us. We can't expect too much from a free webhost, it's up to the rest of you guys if you want another webhost or stick to HTGK.
Personally, I am up for another one. I hate restrictions, however, freedom does not comes free, there is a fee to pay.
If I still get no answer from anyone by next week, we'll just forget about miragecorps.org,
[email protected] email and blah blah.