Can CoNfirm Wif me For The LAst Time If U guYs GoInG to SpArKs??Hope U aLL can GO..I conFirm Got GO LiAO..Pls LeAve A mSg HeRE K!!!ThaNX!!!I thiNK U All WUn BE SEEIng ME tILL NExT FEB liAO..It WIl BE A LOnG TiME..Cos mY AttAChmeNt cuMing on !13th Nov till FEB 13th..So i WIll be WOrkINg like A dog..TAke cARE!!SEEYA
Oh NO!!! I ThOugHt i'M Not AFrAId Of ANyThInG BuT I KNEw I WaS WRoNG TiLL I mET A BiG spIdeR I HATE INSECTS!!!!!
mi not going..ask rain,he veri free one...u work like dog????? wat about that big spider??? u still keeping it,or is it spiderman???? kekekekeke
hmm i tootpid one what is sparks..??
------------------ >>>>>mEsS wIf tHe bEsT,dIe liKe tHe ReSt......<<<<<<
i anything......
------------------ to be fragged by me is a humiliation to you cos i'm a newbie... -=MC=-Dir en grey