Originally posted by NewBie99:
Actally hor i feel that hor ppl who play cs all a bit hao lian think they very gd player even they are not..
I am one of them lor..but i can control lor..
In my mind i will think i am gd but i just dun say it out..
I think it is this kind of hao lianess that start all the kao pek kao bu in the game
Being the Tale of Years for the Island and Port of Aerlinthe, which kneel before the Cerulean Throne of the Ancient and Glorious Seaborne Empire of Yalain.
RE 208: Shimena Keep constructed on the northeast islet. Shimena guarded the northern approaches to Ireth Lassel research colony from Pelagian sea-nomads.
RE 213: A larchess tree is planted within the walls of Shimena Keep.
RE 221: Hearing from former Shimena garrison troops of great riches on this island, Lord Gevran Loritane of Elancia visits aboard his sailing skyship Tinoriel. He discovers great mineral wealth, and magma flows of sufficient temperature to permit the forging of mana-alloy. The enchanters Eosonn and Auriam are crushed by a magma tube cave-in when the land quakes. Without the ability to levitate Tinoriel, the ship returns to Glystenae over sea.
RE 222: Loritane sends sixteen great ocean-galleons and two skyships to the island, carrying the supplies necessary to build a mining outpost. Lord Loritane and Lady Raina accompany the vessels in Tinoriel.
The navigation channel into the lagoon is dredged.
Reservoir dug to collect rainwater. All local water sources tainted with sulphur and ash. An Old Ring, buried under ash and ejecta, is found during the digging. It is left undisturbed, but considered a good omen.
The island is titled Aerlinthe by Lord Loritane, a name which came to him in a dream. The central volcano is known of old to be called Tenkarrdun, Dericost for "Stoic Blood." The smaller peaks to the northwest and northeast are found to have been named Cunara ("Steaming Heights") and Ernassen ("Land Reflected"), respectively. The lagoon is dubbed Raina's Harbor.
RE 223: Completion of the light-towers of Weretirae and Eretirae, on either side of the navigation channel.
RE 225: Tenkarrdun's forges return their first profit. Loritane and Raina return to Elancia. Lady Raina convinces Loritane to appoint master smith Hare Aralea as governor of Aerlinthe.
RE 230: His Most Dignified and Serene Majesty Emperor Kellin, seventh in the Line of Alaidain, dies. His son Delophon takes the Cerulean Throne, assuming the Imperial Name of Caerlin ("Lord of the Deep Waters").
RE 274: The Blessing of Aerlinthe. A gromnatross makes her aerie on the peaks of Cunara. She is named Aurlanaa by the people of the port.
RE 313: Expansion of the foundry; two new forges added.
RE 317: The outgassing of noxious fumes from Ernassen forces a two-month evacuation to Ireth Lassel.
RE 323: Battle of Shimena. Twenty Imperial chevairds and forty-four household troops of Loritane perish while holding at bay a raiding force of five hundred Pelagic sea-nomads, embarked in two dozen sailing vessels of war.
Battle of the Towers. Seeking revenge for the defeat at Shimena, the Pelagian band returns and attacks from the south. Mages under the direction of Aralea ascend the light-towers and pour fire down upon the decks of their ships. The Coral Golems used to keep the navigation channel clear rip the keels from their ships. The southern attack is repulsed, though sunken vessels block the channel for a month. A second landing to the west, near the reservoir, results in the looting and partial razing of the port. Over one hundred die, and many are taken captive by the sea-nomads.
RE 324: In response to the raids, Emperor Caerlin declares the port of Aerlinthe an Imperial anchorage and treasure port. Four war galleons and seven fast skysloops, for scouting and messenger duty, drop anchor in Raina's Harbor. They bring with them an additional hundred chevairds to garrison the island. Aerlinthe is acknowledged as one of the most important sources of pyreal in the Empire.
RE 329: The sailing platform-city of the sea-nomads that raided Aerlinthe in 323 is tracked and taken by the Imperial naval force. Most of the Aerlinthe captives are found enslaved in galley oarlocks.
RE 331: The Eaulinthe ("Star-Stone") is found in the deepest crevasses of Tenkarrdun. This large diamond contains a small amount of liquid magma, kept hot and brightly shining through unknown magical means.
RE 340: Raina's Harbor boils. A new fumarole opens at the bottom, heating the water to scalding temperatures. The Imperial ships are anchored at Shimena while golems dig a new land outlet for the gasses, then seal the fumarole.
RE 349: Memorial Stone erected in Shimena Keep, inscribed with the names of all who died in the Pelagic raids of 323.
RE 371: The forges begin to produce weapons designed by Lord Atlan of Knorr. Lord Loritane takes the finest axe, and has the Eaulinthe fixed upon its blade. With this weapon he joins the northern army at Planae.
Loritane disappears in the Dericost Marches, along with most of Atlan's army. Lady Raina assumes control of Loritane's house and holdings. Hare Aralea renews his oaths of fealty to the Lady in person, traveling to her castle in Glystenae via fast skyship.
Lady Raina announces she carries a child of Loritane.
RE 372: Raina gives birth to a daughter, whom she names Clari.
RE 388: Nesortania Province overrun by the forces of the Hopeslayer. Lady Raina takes Clari and her household, and flees to the Imperial Archipelago.
RE 392: The city of Elancia in Glystenae falls under shadow.
RE 426: Caerlin replaces the galleon Minaera, last of the original Imperial patrol squadron, with the new sailing frigate Reithyis.
RE 502: Prince Durglen Realaidain, son of the Emperor, announces that he will take the hand of Clari Loritane, Mistress of Aerlinthe, and walk by her side into darkness or dawn.
RE 507 Prince Durglen joins hands with Mistress Clari in the Iphvircae Cliffs Cathedral.
RE 567: A large colony of mulardil are discovered in the Naarcaerel Reef by the fisher-woman Julitaen, a poor resident of the harbor tempest floats. She is titled mistress of the mular-pearl harvest by Hare Aralea, and hires all the other residents of the floats.
RE 886: Ejan Aralae, son of Hare, succeeds his father as master smith and governor of Aerlinthe.
RE 893: Emperor Caerlin is brushed by Black Madness in battle, and becomes leprous with Ayai Heauviri.*
(* Translators note: Ayai is Empyrean for "burning." Heauviri, literally means "high-thought-wind." This may be the Yalain equivalent of "soul." Based on context, which suggest disease and decay, I would judge our closest translation of Ayai Heauviri to be "the Soulburn Plague." - Bretslef)
RE 895: Aurlanaa leaves her aerie on the peak of Cunara. She meets several other gromnatross south of Aerlinthe, and they ascend, disappearing into the heavens. No gromnatross are seen on Auberean for twenty-two years.
Severe lightning-storms and strange glows come over the southeast waters. The population is evacuated to the west.
Darkness falls upon the shores of Ireth Lassel. A vast reach of Black Madness and fifteen Thorns accompany the Hopeslayer, his generals, and their army.
Darkness defeated. The Hopeslayer is entrapped in the mage council's array. The explosive power released destroys the Jailne Lyceum, kills the entire council, and shatters the array into pieces. One piece lands on Aerlinthe, but is recovered before it can dig itself into the ground.
With the defeat of the Hopeslayer, the Rhethis Eipoth (Era of Lore) is concluded by decree of Emperor Caerlin. The Torethis Eipoth (Second Era of Lore) is declared.
TE 1: The population returns to Aerlinthe, and the forges are reopened. Raina returns to Elancia.
Elders from Ithaenc arrive to care for Aurlanaa's abandoned childer.
Hare Aralea and his wife Malestra return to their homeland of Elancia. Hare becomes one of Lady Raina's counselors.
TE 2: His Most Dignified and Serene Majesty Emperor Caerlin, eighth in the Line of Alaidain, dies from the Soulburn Plague after six months of insanity. He is 773 years old. His son Caerlin II ascends to the Cerulaean Throne, and Clari, Mistress of Elancia and Aerlinthe, becomes Empress of the Thousand Seas. Raina remains the Dowager Lady of Elancia and Aerlinthe.
TE 8: The older forges are replaced.
TE 11: A daughter, Alhallie, is born to Caerlin and Clari. A Festival Year is declared in Elancia and Aerlinthe.
TE 17: The Return of Grace. The gromnatross come down from the stars. Aurlanaa alights upon her aerie at Cunara. She looks into the eye of Kelderam, a ward of Ithaenc since her early 100's, and considered hopelessly mad. Kelderam is jauniril*, and lapses into unconsciousness. When she awakens, she weeps for a full day, and is afterwards restored in mind and spirit. In her waning years, Kelderam led the Adjanite Order, and was renowned for her wisdom and serenity.
(*Translator's note: By context, "jauniril" would seem to be a verb. I have never encountered this word before, however, and know not what it means. - Bretslef)
TE 101: A landquake blocks the navigation channel.
TE 218: Lady Raina dies in her sleep, at the age of 1013. Clari becomes Lady of Elancia and Aerlinthe, making her family's lands Imperial Provinces.
TE 275: The legendary traveling entertainer Surinna Thrasyl stops at Aerlinthe.
TE 333: The mutilated corpse of the missionary Lady Galaeral of Ithaenc is found off the north shore.
TE 334: Imperial Inquisitor Lady Alibec arrives to investigate the murder of Galaeral. She uncovers a small group of undead hiding in the bowels of the reservoir, and destroys them. The chamber in which they performed the deed is sealed. The origin and motives of the undead remain unresolved.
TE 413: Empress Clari dies in a boating accident at the age of 937. Princess Alhallie becomes Lady of Elancia and Aerlinthe.
TE 416: Catriae Tamanea's rogue fleet defeats the flotilla at Aerlinthe, and pillages the port. Over twelve million pyreal coins are looted.
TE 422: Piteous screams are heard from behind the door Inquisitor Alibec sealed in 334. It is forced open, but the room is empty, and the scene of Galaeral's murder remains as it was when the door was erected. Shrieks of pain and incomprehensible, mumbling chants are occasionally heard from the room, leading workers to whisper that the missionary's soul remains in torment at the place of her death.
TE: 428: Princess Alhallie visits Aerlinthe, while on her tour of the provinces. She gathers research for a planned travelogue.
TE 450: After the census, Emperor Caerlin announces that Tentael has a population of over one million, most under the age of 400. Aerlinthe's population is less than 100, but nearly 1000 golems work the forges at any time.
TE 463: Massive collapse of the Tenkarrdun forge tunnels during a landquake. Four workers are crushed, another sixteen trapped and suffocated. The entire lower quarter of the foundry is cut off. Shifting rock makes reopening the tunnels too risky, and Ejan decides to build a new forge works further up the mountain.
TE 464: The new forges are completed. Due to the distance between them and the magma flows, production is less than half of that before the collapse.
TE 477: Princess Alhallie joins hands with Lord Cashtal Ronain of Haebrous. Lord Cashtal's last name is changed to Realaidain.
TE 504: His Most Dignified and Serene Majesty Emperor Caerlin II, ninth in the Line of Alaidain, dies at the age of 1022 years. Alhallie ascends to the Cerulean Throne, and takes the Imperial Name of Cellaurai ("Consecrated by Starlight").
TE 513: The Great Northern Tempest. Mages hold off the worst of the storm for three days. The Naarcaerel Reef is ripped apart by storm-tides.
TE 622: A Skytower arrives at Shimena, and is used to patrol the northeast waters.
TE 664: Isin Aemil, child of Aerlinthe, becomes an admiral of the Imperial fleet.
TE 761: With the development of practical portal travel by Asheron, Empress Cellaurai declares a new Era has begun. The Torethis Eipoth is concluded, and the Hyrethis Eipoth (Third Era of Lore) begins.
HE 95: Adept Delacim arrives at Aerlinthe and opens fixed portals to Ithaenc, Haelan, Knorr, Nesortania, Elancia, Jalis, Aribel, Alastinae, Dernehale, Larchess, and the works at Seral Ipharsis and Lamihaar.
HE 142: Nali Athanas reforms the northern church.
HE 145: A new temple is built in Aerlinthe.
HE 232: Empress Cellauri disappears while on a tour of Haebrous, with the ultimate intention of holding a moot with the Nali and other high dignitaries of the reformed northern church at Aventin. The Haebrous report that her party attempted to ascend the peaks of the Venalben Range, where gromnatross are known to reside.
HE 233: After eighteen months of fruitless searching for Empress Cellauri, Cashtal Realaidain is declared Emperor. He takes the name Kellin II ("Righteous Lord").
HE 239: The Nali relocates from Aventin to Tentael at the invitation of Emperor Kellin.
HE 347: Fifty-six people of Aerlinthe answer the call of Nali Valind, and participate in the extirpation of the Adjanite heretics.
HE 348: The Rejection. Troops returning from Valind's desecration and sack of Ithaenc climb Cunara to seek Aurlanaa's blessing. The gromnatross slays them all on sight, and departs Aerlinthe, never to be seen again.
HE 459: Severe landquakes cause magma flows in the upper forge tunnels. Smiths remove to the port while golems effect repairs.
In the wake of the recent attacks on our honored gemstone armor smiths, my colleagues and I have embarked upon extensive investigations into the properties of shadows, crystal beasts, and gems. The weakening by repeated death of our three master smiths, while a terrible tragedy and an ill omen for all Dereth, has actually provided exciting new avenues of inquiry. The fused gems never cease to amaze us with their versatility and mystifying qualities.
Due to a precipitous loss in their skills, the master smiths are no longer able to invest as much of the fused gems' power in the armor suits they craft. More specifically, the gemstone armor's power, have suffered dramatically. My esteemed colleague Gondo Kanezo has bent his considerable mental prowess to an effort to restore the lost elemental strength. Thanks to my own research in the abstract realm of the armor's abstract qualities, we may have found a solution.
It all goes back to the legendary work of the Lady Maila, once the head of a great school of learning in the Empyrean civilization. Artifacts and writing point to Lady Maila as a sorceress and enchantress of great power and learning. We know she was part of the mage council that crafted the crystals, means of imprisoning the essence of Bael'Zharon and exiling him from our mortal realm. We also know from more recently unearthed evidence that Lady Maila was instrumental in the creation of the stones used to empower Atlan weapons.
Far be it from me to criticize a lady of great learning and accomplishment, but it seems that Lady Maila took some of the shortcuts which all of us involved in magical experimentation and creation are wont to use. It seems Lady Maila re-used many of the alchemical and magical techniques she used in the elemental stones' crafting when she and her council decided to craft great crystals to imprison Bael'Zharon. I will not fault the Lady Maila for this method. No doubt her ability to borrow from her previous work simplified the process of creating the crystal array.
Serendipitously enough, Lady Maila's work of convenience becomes quite a boon to our people, the inheritors of the war against the shadows. As any mage worth his reagents knows, sympathy and resonance is indispensable to proper and effective magical work. The fused gems, one half crystal essence, seem to have an affinity to the resonance of the elemental stones, crafted as they were by the same great mage. One can only hope that we sages and the magicians of Dereth will be able to leave as strong and enduring a legact as the honored Lady Maila.
This resonance remained undetected for so long because the fused gems sacrificed so much of their power to the strength of the armor. With the inert metal of the armor leeching away less of the gems' essence, the suits themselves become more compatible with the resonance of the greater elemental stones.
Gondo Kanezo has confirmed that the new suits of armor, while intrinsically less powerful that their previous incarnations, can be imbued with the strength of the elemental stones. The individual stones confer a greater resistance to their associated elements than the original suits of gemstone armor were ever able to provide, though it must be noted that drastic improvement comes at the price of increased vulnerability to the 'opposed' element.
The effect of the Atlan stones, however, are not solely beneficial. When the armor takes on the elemental properties of the stones, and even becomes physically, it becomes resistant to magical enhancement. Thus the armor becomes immune to the augmentation normally provided by Item magic. The elemental stones need to be removed from the pieces of armor before one is able to enchant them as normal.
I have yet to divinde the exact reason for the incompatibility of elemental armors and magic. I can only speculate that there are greater magical forces at work, resulting from the intricacies of Lady Maila's craft, than I, a newcomer to this world, am able to fully comprehend. One would hope that in the future, I will be able to solve the mystery of Lady Maila's creation.
Ben Ten was, they say, among the first of our people to arrive upon this island, in the days when the Olthoi still ran rampant. Some say Ben Ten was the first Sho to arrive. Whether man or woman, we do not even know for sure; we know only that Ben Ten was tall, thin of frame, and wore always a dark hood. Speaking softly, wielding a tachi of a quality that rivals even the mythical swords of the Dragon Temple, Ben Ten walked the land in search of the desperate who needed help. I know this because I was one of those rescued by Ben Ten.
As a child of only twelve summers, I was torn from my land and brought here, alone. As I wandered the plains, it happened that a pack of what I later learned to be reed sharks came upon me, and I remember fleeing toward an unfamiliar cluster of houses, screaming, sobbing, and knowing the terrible monsters would soon catch me. I saw a shadow come running from a house, and I saw the flash of a sword, but then I tripped and fell. As I lay cowering, I heard snarling and snapping and growling, and then a long silence.
At last I heard footsteps approach, and a soft voice - a voice neither deep nor high, neither obviously male or female - asked, "Are you all right?"
I looked up and saw a smiling face shadowed by a hood. When I said that I was unhurt, the person said, "There, in the building with the thatched roof, is a woman who will help you. Tell her that Ben Ten sent you."
I did not see Ben Ten for many years after that, but, as the years passed, I heard of Ben Ten's other deeds. Others have surely written of them better than I. The only other story I can offer of Ben Ten's bravery is the story of Yanshi, my town, the Town of the Boulder.
As more and more of us began to arrive in this land called Dereth, drawn by the same mysterious magic, it was quickly decided that our main city should be built at the mouth of the great river and be called Hebian-to. But I and some of my friends settled near the plains where Ben Ten had rescued me, almost within Aluvian territory. We had found a large boulder alone in the middle of a field, standing like a lone sovereign looking out over his land. Knowing we had found a divine symbol of protection and good fortune, we built a few houses around the boulder, and began to farm.
In those days tumeroks were more plentiful in Osteth, and it was not uncommon for travelers in the far north to report a tumerok attack. In the plains just south of lands held by the legendary Elysa Strathelar, however, we did not fear such creatures. Reed sharks were our main worry, but our simple weapons sufficed against those.
But one evening, as we settled into rest after a long day in the fields, we heard harsh cries that chilled our blood. A horde of tumeroks had come down from the north, with a vanguard of banderlings and drudge slaves. Somehow they had slipped through the Aluvian lands.
We hastily dispatched our fastest runner via portal to Hebian-to, to beg for warriors and weapons, and we fled into our houses, barred the doors, and fought the monsters as long as we could with arrows. We managed to kill all the drudges and banderlings, but a tumerok captain and his lieutenants still remained. They burned our houses and pursued us until we stood against the great boulder at the center of town, only our crude spears and swords between us and death. Yet our weapons were no match against the tumeroks' heavy shields and armor.
I know not how Ben Ten arrived, or how Ben Ten knew to come. I only know that I saw a familiar tall shadow arrive in the middle of the chaos. I saw a fine tachi gleaming in the torchlight, flashing as it cut through tumerok shields and armor and flesh. In silence did Ben Ten strike; in silence Ben Ten whirled, and slashed. I thought I saw Ben Ten's eyes once, beneath the hood; I thought them somehow haunted, yet kind. But perhaps I only dreamed it, for the battle raged fiercely. How could I have seen Ben Ten's face in the chaos of spears and swords and blood?
But before I fell over from exhaustion and loss of blood, I remember seeing Ben Ten standing upon the boulder, fighting alone against the towering tumerok captain: a scene worthy of any myth or legend, except I know it to be true. I know I did not dream it. It seemed to me that Ben Ten was the boulder itself, the protector of our town, of our people; a sturdy rock in the midst of desolation. I remember wondering if Ben Ten might be the Unicorn of compassion incarnate, or perhaps the Firebird: mayhap Ben Ten was Jojii himself. That is the last that I remember thinking.
When I awoke, the tumerok captain lay dead, crumpled beside the boulder, and guards from Hebian-to had arrived. While some stayed to tend to the wounded, the rest scoured the land, finishing off the last of the tumeroks who had hidden or fled. The guards had come as fast as they could, I learned, but by the time they had arrived, the tumerok force had already been largely destroyed.
I discovered that I had lost three of my good friends. This was long before resurrection came into existence, so mine was a permanent and devastating loss. But I am sure I would have lost many more friends - and my life - had Ben Ten not come. And where was Ben Ten? Others had seen Ben Ten fighting, too, but no one knew how Ben Ten had fared at the end. My only clue was the torn hood that I found upon the boulder, and several strands of long black hair still wet with blood.
I feared the worst, but later I heard rumors that Ben Ten had been seen elsewhere. In Mayoi, I heard, Ben Ten had appeared during the Battle of Confusion. Near Sawato, I heard, Ben Ten had rescued travelers from mosswarts in the swamp. And once, while traveling in Hebian-to, I heard it whispered that someone had seen Ben Ten's tachi, and had recognized it as the legendary magic sword of Koji. Thereafter, I heard new rumors that Ben Ten was actually Koji herself, sent to this new world by Jojii.
I don't know if any of those stories are true. I only tell of what I have seen. If Ben Ten lives today, surely he - or she - must be advancing in years, as I am now. But if you happen to be lost and in danger in these new lands of the Sho, perchance you might meet Ben Ten too.
Woe did come to the children of mighty Dericost. The Lords of This World, in their arrogance, were thrown down - Sarvien and his circle slain by the whelps of Yalain and Haebrous. The Kingdom crumbled, the Ice Throne was toppled by victorious barbarians. So did we, whose doom was wrought by the arrival of the Falatacot priestesses six thousand years ere, come to have our presence suffered in our own land.
Feared by the simple creatures who presumed to rule in our stead, we were forbidden to practice the crafts that had made our Lords mighty. We were turned out from our own ancient fortresses on the fastness of Gelid, and resettled in the rank grasslands of Yalain, among herdsmen as dull as their flocks. We were watched and mistrusted - blamed for everything that did not occur as those ignorant peasants thought should. As if we, the living, had had anything to do with the vile acts of the Lords! As if we had traffic with the Thing Ilservian roused!
They would hear none of this of course; our blood was that of the royal houses of Dericost, and that was guilt enough in their eyes.
Doomed by the cold that had driven the Falatacot south, shunned by our conquerors, we sought the blessing of another time of cold. Such things come in cycles. The southern barbarians may have forgotten, but the memory of Dericost was ancient of days. Does not the sun itself turn wan and pale every several millennia?
We only needed to wait until the next Great Frost, and then our oppressors would burn from wind-whipped ice. If we prepared properly, we should outlast them, and return in glory to high Gelid, which stands mighty over the plains.
It was foretold by the priestesses that the Fourth Sending would begin in a city of Dericost called Frore, which means "Black Frost." No such city existed during the 6000 years of the Kingdom. So it was decided that we should make for ourselves a city by that name; being blood of the noble houses, our city would be of Dericost.
Debate raged among the brethren - when should Frore be built, and where? Was it not presumptuous - dangerous - to attempt to fulfill such a prophesy? The prognostications of the Falatacot witches always had hidden barbs.
As we debated, our oppressors blamed us again for a thing which was not our doing. One of the Old Lords was found in hiding, in the farthest reaches of Haebrous. The Burning Time began, and the sons and daughters of Old Dericost were put to fire and sword for the errors of their grandsires. It was decided that we could endure no more.
Even as our people were subjected to cruel tortures at the hands of the Yalain, two brave souls exacted our revenge against the Grand Inquisitor, who oversaw the persecutions against us.
Thus the Burning Time ended, but the barbarians looked at us with renewed fear. Peasants again made the Gesture of Shunning as we walked among them, wrapped with the cool shadows of our robes, and praying only for isolation and deliverance from the ignorant savages.
It was then decided that we should escape our enforced exile, and begin again in a new place. The Work must begin. But, where should we go? The Council of Three held fierce debate, but in the end Blessed Fenngar's suggestion won favor; Killiakta, Isle of Woe.
So did we enjoin our meager wealth, and covertly book passage on ships headed to the isle. All at once, we left the squalid cities of the south, and met with sea-captains in hidden coves along the shore. Our convoy, six ships strong, met off the Rock of Sennaj, where the slate-grey sea endlessly beats itself into a useless froth.
We sailed northwest for uncounted leagues. One cold blue twilight, the Great Light of the Yalain mariners was seen over the horizon. We knew then that we had reached the southeast of Killiakta. As the moons crept up the dew-dappled spider-strands of stars, we ordered the captains to steer north.
Our convoy rounded the shoulder of Ifistra, taking care to avoid the patrols from the Yalain port at Aerlinthe. Unmolested, we landed on the northern shore, where the peaks of Ifisveraqu meet the sea. It was here that Blessed Ferundi turned to the ship captains, thanked them for a safe journey, and signaled that we should begin.
As the moons stood a placid watch, the shrieks of sailors drowned out the crush and roar of the surf. Though we had not used them for many years, the arts of the Lords were well known to us in lore. So did we use the crews' blood and ash and bone, entrails and meat, for our conversion. A ghastly business it was, but the Work needed to be done. As the sun's first rays shone through the frigid north shore fog, we fired the charnel-house ships, and watched until they had burned to the waterline. No vessel or man passed as we waited, becoming used to our new forms.
Once certain no trace would be left of us, we began the trek south, into the mountains. How can we tell of that endless march into wind and snow? It was like coming home. Each gust, curling clouds of fine powder off the ground, cheered us. Truly, this was the next best thing to old, blessed Gelid!
At the direction of the Council, we began to seek our home. Some, under Blessed Ferundi, explored the peaks to the east, but this proved too close to the Aerlinthe. This party was lucky to escape detection when a party of Yalain's so-called mages suddenly emerged from a shelter at the base of one of the greater peaks. Others, under Blessed Fenngar, trekked west, but the height of the peaks there were found lacking, and the area too easily approached.
A third group, under Blessed Frisander, searched the mighty peaks of old Velacixque, "Blood-Heart" to the Falatacot. Alas, the covetous Yalain were present in large numbers, forging coins of magical alloy in the depths of the mountain. Turning back north, they were halted by a call.
There before them stood Lord Rytheran of Menilesh, who had commanded our forefathers before the fall of the Ice Throne. He now amused himself as an academy master for the barbarians, teaching the barest shreds of magic to the dullard children of Yalain.
"Ho," said he. "Declare yourselves! Be ye Winds from Darkness or Lords of the World?"
"Neither," spake Blessed Frisander. "We are our own, come from exile in the southlands. We seek only to be left in peace, until we may return to the Plateau of Gelid."
"You are of our kind," spake Rytheran. "You must declare for one or another, lest ye wish to be seen by both as a threat. I ask again: Winds from Darkness or Lords of the World?"
"We forsake ye!" cried a formidable young mage, Frisirth by name. "Your games are your own, and we want none of it. For millennia you have played here, ignoring the suffering of your kin as you scheme. Get away now, or ye shall be blistered by all the power of our arts!"
Rytheran's face darkened, and he turned to his retainers. Before he could speak a word, however, Frisirth loosed a powerful blow against him, nearly destroying the Old Lord where he stood. At this, Rytheran's retainers charged the group, while he himself cast one of Facill's plane-slant spells, and retreated back into his lair. The retainers were weak, and Blessed Frisander's group quickly drained the life from them.
The Council met again in the northern reaches of the Ifisveraqu shortly after, and agreed that we would need to build in that area to be safe from enemies old and new. So, on a small, windy peak overlooking green valleys, we moved underground. Natural caves were expanded and restructured, and, at long last, construction of Great Frore began.
4th of Frostfell, 13th Year of Exile
Today a most curious thing occured. Asjan and I were discussing worker productivity when there was a soft knock at the door. Upon opening it, a violet cloaked figure wearing a mask floated - floated! - in the air before us. Asjan gasped and froze. I asked the creature if I could help it, reasoning that since it knocked politely, in our fashion, it must have intellect. The Thing introduced itself as "Lord Sarvaen", a noble of Arwic, and offered me a business proposition. I asked what it had in mind.
"Sarvaen" floated in the room, the ragged trailings of its cloak fluttering, and explained that it had need for the unique crystals I had discovered in the mountains. Its voice was... Ah, but I lack the words. Deep it was, and oddly cadenced. It was beyond question not a man's voice and sounded as if it came through a tunnel, or from the grave. Straight-faced, I asked what it offered in turn. At this, one violet-draped "arm" rose and placed a gem upon the table. I did not see its hand for the folds of the cloak.
It was a ruby; large, flawless, and more finely cut than any stone I have ever seen. I have not the words to do justice to this amazing artifact.
Exchanging raw crystal of undetermined worth for such incredible craftmanship seemed like a sound decision, so I offered to draw up a contract. "Sarvaen's" cloak rippled, as if a swarm of insects were beating against the interior, and it said that true men preferred to do business without records.
At this, Asjan's nerve snapped, and he ran through the room shrieking hysterically. The Thing turned to mark his passage, and I believe I saw a flash of violet-blue light from behind the corner of its bizarre mask.
The deal, fortunately, was quickly agreed upon, and "Servaen" left a small pile of jewels behind, as a token of its good faith. I calculate their worth to be in excess of 100,000 Pyreal.
I do not trust this Thing by any account. But one cannot argue with the profit - which is, after all, why I am in this hellish place!
7th Frostfell
Asjan has disappeared. A badly written note, supposedly from him, was found, saying that he went home to Qalaba'r. I know the Thing did it. It still believes that I believe it is a man, and it must remain so improbably ignorant.
The second half of this journal is found on Lord Cambarth in Mount Lethe.
22nd of Seedsow, 15th Year of Exile
The deal with Sarvaen continues to be most profitable. Today I received three chests of his peerlessly wrought sapphires. Best of all, he remains ignorant of the Pool's existence. What a sending of the Hope Bringer! Money from Saervaen, money from the desperate who hear of the Pool's remarkable ability. Brelax, that impossible idiot, blithely said to Sarvaen today that, "it does not matter that we have never seen your face." Cursed Fool! I beat him soundly.
Brelax and I today finished work on our Lord's Altar. Such a beauteous thing! After so long hidden away in that lost crypt we found, the words of the Hope Bringer are once again worshipped openly, in the places where men walk. Most of the guards have joined us in celebration. The miners must remain ignorant, for now. They work hard, but I would not trust them all with this freedom, this new-found feeling of strength and vulnerability.
Blast. Again, the mountain quakes. It has been doing so since Sarvaen left this afternoon. I hope it does not interfere with our next delivery.
So who is this, that wishes to write down my tale of the dark days of when we were enslaved to the Olthoi? A historian? To make sure none of it is lost? A noble goal, though I should hope that, with only twenty years' history, there isn't much to lose yet. All right, then, I will speak slowly. You take care to write what I say without error. See that you miss nothing.
My first memory is of stirring the pots. Big, stone-like vats that came up to my chin at the time. Soup pots, my mother called them, and it took me years of normal village life to come to think of simmering meat and vegetables as soup, instead of those grey-green vats of liquid stench. At least, I am told the soup pots smelled horrible. I myself cannot smell very well; I grew up in the midst of too much that smelled of Olthoi. Even now I can scarce tell you whether a fire burns nearby, or if the bread is scorched; neither can I smell the fields in flower.
So, then, soup pots were those containers of gruel that Olthoi would take to their grubs; the grubs, which we called white worms, would bathe in and consume it. I am sure you have heard this from other old-timers already. I didn't actually see very much of this, but I was told about it by braver and older souls who had managed to snatch quick glimpses.
I grew up stirring soup pots with rounded long stirring sticks. You see, if you left the gruel sit too long, it would grow a thick skin on top, which would not dissolve again. And if you left it far too long, it would grow fuzzy and turn strange colors - or so they said. So you had to watch carefully and stir often. For while the Olthoi tolerated some laziness, any failures were met with instant reprisal.
I remember seeing a woman who had fallen asleep beside her soup pot; something in the brew must have alerted the Olthoi, for they came swarming in with their claws swinging, and all I remember from there is a lot of blood. Such scenes were common, especially since we were so often exhausted.
Yes, the Olthoi had no reason to treat us well, for many of us were still arriving into this world. We were an endless supply of labor for them. Some have questioned us, saying we could not have done so much work for a creature that cannot speak to us or order us about. Yet, I tell you, we learned. And once a few of us had learned what to do to please our masters, we quickly taught it to the newcomers, lest they be killed immediately.
Of course, many newcomers still tried to fight, and they met a quick and bloody end. And any bodies were added to the soup pots. The only fortunate thing amidst all of this is that the Olthoi had no taste for fresh meat itself, despite rumors to the contrary. Thus we were spared becoming like cattle. Instead, we were slaves. Thus we were like men enslaved by monstrous ants. You have probably heard that before, too. The irony is apparently worse for those who remember our homelands clearly. My mother, after her freeing, could no longer abide the sight of ants.
She delighted to step on them, especially the big black ones, to spread their innards across the ground and to watch their legs and mandibles twitch helplessly and grow slowly more feeble.
Oh, of course you would wish to know about how we were freed. I must have been about five when Elysa Strathelar and Thorsten Cragstone finally brought us freedom. There had been rumors of a revolt for some time; I remember the adults murmuring about it amongst themselves. Oh yes, we could talk; it was a blessing that the Olthoi could not understand human speech, and did nothing to stop it unless it grew too loud.
But anyway, despite the rumors, news from outside was hard to come by, and the revolt itself must have taken many by surprise. I clearly recall the cheers and the screams when first the fighting reached us, when we first saw the fallen corpses of Olthoi and men together. I remember a woman's voice shouting above the battle, exhorting the able-bodied to take up whatever weapons we could find and to stand against the Olthoi masters. I think it was the voice of Elysa Strathelar herself.
And I also remember how there were some men and women dressed in gleaming armor, and wielding blades that glowed with magic. Whence those came from, I myself do not know, but I am sure you have heard rumors enough about that.
My mother immediately joined the revolt. She snatched up a dagger from a fallen man and tied it to her stirring stick. I followed her through some long corridors until we came to a vast lake of gruel - or so it seemed to me - and I remember how she slit open every white worm she could reach, piercing them through and shredding them apart while she laughed and cried at the same time. Then she left me in the care of an older child, and she went running after the others.
She later told me that she reached the deepest chamber of the Olthoi nest, where Elysa Strathelar and Thorsten Cragstone battled the giant Queen of the Olthoi. I have wished many times since that I could have seen that battle, but I do know I am glad I did not see the terrible and final blow that struck Thorsten Cragstone. That I am glad to have missed, and I wish it had never happened. But I did hear they fought valiantly, to make High King Pwyll himself proud.
Rhethis Eipoth 371
To Maila, Mistress of the Lyceum of Knorr
We fear that unpleasant news provokes Us to send thee this missive, Lady.
As thee know, We were compelled to send forth thy husband, the honored Lord Atlan of Knorr, to Our mainland realms of Nesortania and Glystaene, there to deal with certain disturbing events which vex Our citizens in the north. We have been receiving regular reports from the field, as We are aware that thee have been receiving reports of a more personal nature. These dispatches ceased without explanation four weeks ago.
This very morning We did entertain at Our court a young woman in shocking condition, who bore Us troubling news. This girl was known to Us as Ihdare Kelderam, squire to thy Lord Atlan. She was bloodied and soiled, and nearly mad with a dark fear which seemed to possess her entirely. She did come before Our august throne atremble, there to tell a tale which We would think unbelievable, were it not for the reports which brought thy husband to the north.
She did say that on the fifty-second day of the march, Lord Atlan's army entered the Valley of Tresimaen, in the former lands of Dericost. Upon ascending the heights, a most notable phenomenon was witnessed by the assembled host. The entire valley floor, from the town of Cannthalo in the northeast to the peak of Zemal in the southwest, was enfolded in a darkness most unnatural. Though the sun shone but slightly past its apex, Tresimaen seemed to cup shadow as if it were water.
Only a few tall trees could be seen rising clear of the pitch, from which angry whispers seemed to issue forth. At this spectacle, the host became unnerved. Atlan bade the army march back out of the valley, to make camp on the plain below. There he set a strong watch and lit bonfires.
Squire Kelderam's tale became disjointed at this point, We regret to say. As the night progressed, she claims the moons and stars faded and went out. By the time Alb'arel was to have risen, the watchfires on the northern perimeter began to struggle and die, as if damped by an unseen hand. He claims that insubstantial patches of darkness, like black fog, flowed through the camp. The woman described it to Us as "a mist which ate light."
Bleak laughter and whispering could be heard from all quarters. Atlan roused the chevairds and soldiers of the army at once, with cries that they were besieged. Yet, no enemy could be seen.
Kelderam then tells Us that the black mist did coalesce before Lord Atlan. The torso of a man, trailing off into insubstantiality at the waist, formed. A cluster of smaller forms, solid and giggling like mad children, stepped out of the roiling darkness behind it. These appeared as full-bodied boys and girls. The large being did point to Atlan, and say something in a language Kelderam did not recognize. Thereupon the small forms rushed to attack thy husband with fists and feet, and the Lord was obliged to defend himself with the sword Rez'arel.
The squire saith that Atlan smote all sent against him, as the army was cut down around him. Screams were heard, and men and women disappeared in scores, nought to be seen again. Only Atlan held fast, the fiery light of Rez'arel holding the shadows at bay. Kelderam stayed by thy Lord's side for some time, I gather, until a hoarse roar was heard in the unnatural dark.
At this the girl broke down entirely at Our feet, and could only scream of a black winged form, whose horrible eyes drove her to flee in terror. Lady Maila, We are saddened to admit that Lord Atlan's fate seems bleak.
There is a darkness in this girl's mind, Lady. It is not within the power of a sovereign to order it out. Therefore, We have commended her to the care of the Elders of the great cathedral on far Ithaenc. We have sent lone riders north to investigate further, in the hope that one or two may evade notice where a legion did not.
We know of but one survivor of almost twenty thousands. This is an unnatural magic, of a sort not seen since Our ancestors resisted the vile intentions of old Dericost. Our entire northern army has disappeared into the night. This distresses Us mightily. Rest assured We will do all in Our power to avenge the loss of Atlan, who was Our friend, cousin, and most trusted captain.
As ever, We remain at your disposal. If We may be of any comfort to thy Ladyship, do not hesitate to seek Us.
Yours in sympathy,
Caerlin, Emperor of Yalain
Being the Tale of Years for the Island and Port of Aerlinthe, which kneel before the Cerulean Throne of the Ancient and Glorious Seaborne Empire of Yalain.
RE 208: Shimena Keep constructed on the northeast islet. Shimena guarded the northern approaches to Ireth Lassel research colony from Pelagian sea-nomads.
RE 213: A larchess tree is planted within the walls of Shimena Keep.
RE 221: Hearing from former Shimena garrison troops of great riches on this island, Lord Gevran Loritane of Elancia visits aboard his sailing skyship Tinoriel. He discovers great mineral wealth, and magma flows of sufficient temperature to permit the forging of mana-alloy. The enchanters Eosonn and Auriam are crushed by a magma tube cave-in when the land quakes. Without the ability to levitate Tinoriel, the ship returns to Glystenae over sea.
RE 222: Loritane sends sixteen great ocean-galleons and two skyships to the island, carrying the supplies necessary to build a mining outpost. Lord Loritane and Lady Raina accompany the vessels in Tinoriel.
The navigation channel into the lagoon is dredged.
Reservoir dug to collect rainwater. All local water sources tainted with sulphur and ash. An Old Ring, buried under ash and ejecta, is found during the digging. It is left undisturbed, but considered a good omen.
The island is titled Aerlinthe by Lord Loritane, a name which came to him in a dream. The central volcano is known of old to be called Tenkarrdun, Dericost for "Stoic Blood." The smaller peaks to the northwest and northeast are found to have been named Cunara ("Steaming Heights") and Ernassen ("Land Reflected"), respectively. The lagoon is dubbed Raina's Harbor.
RE 223: Completion of the light-towers of Weretirae and Eretirae, on either side of the navigation channel.
RE 225: Tenkarrdun's forges return their first profit. Loritane and Raina return to Elancia. Lady Raina convinces Loritane to appoint master smith Hare Aralea as governor of Aerlinthe.
RE 230: His Most Dignified and Serene Majesty Emperor Kellin, seventh in the Line of Alaidain, dies. His son Delophon takes the Cerulean Throne, assuming the Imperial Name of Caerlin ("Lord of the Deep Waters").
RE 274: The Blessing of Aerlinthe. A gromnatross makes her aerie on the peaks of Cunara. She is named Aurlanaa by the people of the port.
RE 313: Expansion of the foundry; two new forges added.
RE 317: The outgassing of noxious fumes from Ernassen forces a two-month evacuation to Ireth Lassel.
RE 323: Battle of Shimena. Twenty Imperial chevairds and forty-four household troops of Loritane perish while holding at bay a raiding force of five hundred Pelagic sea-nomads, embarked in two dozen sailing vessels of war.
Battle of the Towers. Seeking revenge for the defeat at Shimena, the Pelagian band returns and attacks from the south. Mages under the direction of Aralea ascend the light-towers and pour fire down upon the decks of their ships. The Coral Golems used to keep the navigation channel clear rip the keels from their ships. The southern attack is repulsed, though sunken vessels block the channel for a month. A second landing to the west, near the reservoir, results in the looting and partial razing of the port. Over one hundred die, and many are taken captive by the sea-nomads.
RE 324: In response to the raids, Emperor Caerlin declares the port of Aerlinthe an Imperial anchorage and treasure port. Four war galleons and seven fast skysloops, for scouting and messenger duty, drop anchor in Raina's Harbor. They bring with them an additional hundred chevairds to garrison the island. Aerlinthe is acknowledged as one of the most important sources of pyreal in the Empire.
RE 329: The sailing platform-city of the sea-nomads that raided Aerlinthe in 323 is tracked and taken by the Imperial naval force. Most of the Aerlinthe captives are found enslaved in galley oarlocks.
RE 331: The Eaulinthe ("Star-Stone") is found in the deepest crevasses of Tenkarrdun. This large diamond contains a small amount of liquid magma, kept hot and brightly shining through unknown magical means.
RE 340: Raina's Harbor boils. A new fumarole opens at the bottom, heating the water to scalding temperatures. The Imperial ships are anchored at Shimena while golems dig a new land outlet for the gasses, then seal the fumarole.
RE 349: Memorial Stone erected in Shimena Keep, inscribed with the names of all who died in the Pelagic raids of 323.
RE 371: The forges begin to produce weapons designed by Lord Atlan of Knorr. Lord Loritane takes the finest axe, and has the Eaulinthe fixed upon its blade. With this weapon he joins the northern army at Planae.
Loritane disappears in the Dericost Marches, along with most of Atlan's army. Lady Raina assumes control of Loritane's house and holdings. Hare Aralea renews his oaths of fealty to the Lady in person, traveling to her castle in Glystenae via fast skyship.
Lady Raina announces she carries a child of Loritane.
RE 372: Raina gives birth to a daughter, whom she names Clari.
RE 388: Nesortania Province overrun by the forces of the Hopeslayer. Lady Raina takes Clari and her household, and flees to the Imperial Archipelago.
RE 392: The city of Elancia in Glystenae falls under shadow.
RE 426: Caerlin replaces the galleon Minaera, last of the original Imperial patrol squadron, with the new sailing frigate Reithyis.
RE 502: Prince Durglen Realaidain, son of the Emperor, announces that he will take the hand of Clari Loritane, Mistress of Aerlinthe, and walk by her side into darkness or dawn.
RE 507 Prince Durglen joins hands with Mistress Clari in the Iphvircae Cliffs Cathedral.
RE 567: A large colony of mulardil are discovered in the Naarcaerel Reef by the fisher-woman Julitaen, a poor resident of the harbor tempest floats. She is titled mistress of the mular-pearl harvest by Hare Aralea, and hires all the other residents of the floats.
RE 886: Ejan Aralae, son of Hare, succeeds his father as master smith and governor of Aerlinthe.
RE 893: Emperor Caerlin is brushed by Black Madness in battle, and becomes leprous with Ayai Heauviri.*
(* Translators note: Ayai is Empyrean for "burning." Heauviri, literally means "high-thought-wind." This may be the Yalain equivalent of "soul." Based on context, which suggest disease and decay, I would judge our closest translation of Ayai Heauviri to be "the Soulburn Plague." - Bretslef)
RE 895: Aurlanaa leaves her aerie on the peak of Cunara. She meets several other gromnatross south of Aerlinthe, and they ascend, disappearing into the heavens. No gromnatross are seen on Auberean for twenty-two years.
Severe lightning-storms and strange glows come over the southeast waters. The population is evacuated to the west.
Darkness falls upon the shores of Ireth Lassel. A vast reach of Black Madness and fifteen Thorns accompany the Hopeslayer, his generals, and their army.
Darkness defeated. The Hopeslayer is entrapped in the mage council's array. The explosive power released destroys the Jailne Lyceum, kills the entire council, and shatters the array into pieces. One piece lands on Aerlinthe, but is recovered before it can dig itself into the ground.
With the defeat of the Hopeslayer, the Rhethis Eipoth (Era of Lore) is concluded by decree of Emperor Caerlin. The Torethis Eipoth (Second Era of Lore) is declared.
TE 1: The population returns to Aerlinthe, and the forges are reopened. Raina returns to Elancia.
Elders from Ithaenc arrive to care for Aurlanaa's abandoned childer.
Hare Aralea and his wife Malestra return to their homeland of Elancia. Hare becomes one of Lady Raina's counselors.
TE 2: His Most Dignified and Serene Majesty Emperor Caerlin, eighth in the Line of Alaidain, dies from the Soulburn Plague after six months of insanity. He is 773 years old. His son Caerlin II ascends to the Cerulaean Throne, and Clari, Mistress of Elancia and Aerlinthe, becomes Empress of the Thousand Seas. Raina remains the Dowager Lady of Elancia and Aerlinthe.
TE 8: The older forges are replaced.
TE 11: A daughter, Alhallie, is born to Caerlin and Clari. A Festival Year is declared in Elancia and Aerlinthe.
TE 17: The Return of Grace. The gromnatross come down from the stars. Aurlanaa alights upon her aerie at Cunara. She looks into the eye of Kelderam, a ward of Ithaenc since her early 100's, and considered hopelessly mad. Kelderam is jauniril*, and lapses into unconsciousness. When she awakens, she weeps for a full day, and is afterwards restored in mind and spirit. In her waning years, Kelderam led the Adjanite Order, and was renowned for her wisdom and serenity.
(*Translator's note: By context, "jauniril" would seem to be a verb. I have never encountered this word before, however, and know not what it means. - Bretslef)
TE 101: A landquake blocks the navigation channel.
TE 218: Lady Raina dies in her sleep, at the age of 1013. Clari becomes Lady of Elancia and Aerlinthe, making her family's lands Imperial Provinces.
TE 275: The legendary traveling entertainer Surinna Thrasyl stops at Aerlinthe.
TE 333: The mutilated corpse of the missionary Lady Galaeral of Ithaenc is found off the north shore.
TE 334: Imperial Inquisitor Lady Alibec arrives to investigate the murder of Galaeral. She uncovers a small group of undead hiding in the bowels of the reservoir, and destroys them. The chamber in which they performed the deed is sealed. The origin and motives of the undead remain unresolved.
TE 413: Empress Clari dies in a boating accident at the age of 937. Princess Alhallie becomes Lady of Elancia and Aerlinthe.
TE 416: Catriae Tamanea's rogue fleet defeats the flotilla at Aerlinthe, and pillages the port. Over twelve million pyreal coins are looted.
TE 422: Piteous screams are heard from behind the door Inquisitor Alibec sealed in 334. It is forced open, but the room is empty, and the scene of Galaeral's murder remains as it was when the door was erected. Shrieks of pain and incomprehensible, mumbling chants are occasionally heard from the room, leading workers to whisper that the missionary's soul remains in torment at the place of her death.
TE: 428: Princess Alhallie visits Aerlinthe, while on her tour of the provinces. She gathers research for a planned travelogue.
TE 450: After the census, Emperor Caerlin announces that Tentael has a population of over one million, most under the age of 400. Aerlinthe's population is less than 100, but nearly 1000 golems work the forges at any time.
TE 463: Massive collapse of the Tenkarrdun forge tunnels during a landquake. Four workers are crushed, another sixteen trapped and suffocated. The entire lower quarter of the foundry is cut off. Shifting rock makes reopening the tunnels too risky, and Ejan decides to build a new forge works further up the mountain.
TE 464: The new forges are completed. Due to the distance between them and the magma flows, production is less than half of that before the collapse.
TE 477: Princess Alhallie joins hands with Lord Cashtal Ronain of Haebrous. Lord Cashtal's last name is changed to Realaidain.
TE 504: His Most Dignified and Serene Majesty Emperor Caerlin II, ninth in the Line of Alaidain, dies at the age of 1022 years. Alhallie ascends to the Cerulean Throne, and takes the Imperial Name of Cellaurai ("Consecrated by Starlight").
TE 513: The Great Northern Tempest. Mages hold off the worst of the storm for three days. The Naarcaerel Reef is ripped apart by storm-tides.
TE 622: A Skytower arrives at Shimena, and is used to patrol the northeast waters.
TE 664: Isin Aemil, child of Aerlinthe, becomes an admiral of the Imperial fleet.
TE 761: With the development of practical portal travel by Asheron, Empress Cellaurai declares a new Era has begun. The Torethis Eipoth is concluded, and the Hyrethis Eipoth (Third Era of Lore) begins.
HE 95: Adept Delacim arrives at Aerlinthe and opens fixed portals to Ithaenc, Haelan, Knorr, Nesortania, Elancia, Jalis, Aribel, Alastinae, Dernehale, Larchess, and the works at Seral Ipharsis and Lamihaar.
HE 142: Nali Athanas reforms the northern church.
HE 145: A new temple is built in Aerlinthe.
HE 232: Empress Cellauri disappears while on a tour of Haebrous, with the ultimate intention of holding a moot with the Nali and other high dignitaries of the reformed northern church at Aventin. The Haebrous report that her party attempted to ascend the peaks of the Venalben Range, where gromnatross are known to reside.
HE 233: After eighteen months of fruitless searching for Empress Cellauri, Cashtal Realaidain is declared Emperor. He takes the name Kellin II ("Righteous Lord").
HE 239: The Nali relocates from Aventin to Tentael at the invitation of Emperor Kellin.
HE 347: Fifty-six people of Aerlinthe answer the call of Nali Valind, and participate in the extirpation of the Adjanite heretics.
HE 348: The Rejection. Troops returning from Valind's desecration and sack of Ithaenc climb Cunara to seek Aurlanaa's blessing. The gromnatross slays them all on sight, and departs Aerlinthe, never to be seen again.
HE 459: Severe landquakes cause magma flows in the upper forge tunnels. Smiths remove to the port while golems effect repairs.
In the wake of the recent attacks on our honored gemstone armor smiths, my colleagues and I have embarked upon extensive investigations into the properties of shadows, crystal beasts, and gems. The weakening by repeated death of our three master smiths, while a terrible tragedy and an ill omen for all Dereth, has actually provided exciting new avenues of inquiry. The fused gems never cease to amaze us with their versatility and mystifying qualities.
Due to a precipitous loss in their skills, the master smiths are no longer able to invest as much of the fused gems' power in the armor suits they craft. More specifically, the gemstone armor's power, have suffered dramatically. My esteemed colleague Gondo Kanezo has bent his considerable mental prowess to an effort to restore the lost elemental strength. Thanks to my own research in the abstract realm of the armor's abstract qualities, we may have found a solution.
It all goes back to the legendary work of the Lady Maila, once the head of a great school of learning in the Empyrean civilization. Artifacts and writing point to Lady Maila as a sorceress and enchantress of great power and learning. We know she was part of the mage council that crafted the crystals, means of imprisoning the essence of Bael'Zharon and exiling him from our mortal realm. We also know from more recently unearthed evidence that Lady Maila was instrumental in the creation of the stones used to empower Atlan weapons.
Far be it from me to criticize a lady of great learning and accomplishment, but it seems that Lady Maila took some of the shortcuts which all of us involved in magical experimentation and creation are wont to use. It seems Lady Maila re-used many of the alchemical and magical techniques she used in the elemental stones' crafting when she and her council decided to craft great crystals to imprison Bael'Zharon. I will not fault the Lady Maila for this method. No doubt her ability to borrow from her previous work simplified the process of creating the crystal array.
Serendipitously enough, Lady Maila's work of convenience becomes quite a boon to our people, the inheritors of the war against the shadows. As any mage worth his reagents knows, sympathy and resonance is indispensable to proper and effective magical work. The fused gems, one half crystal essence, seem to have an affinity to the resonance of the elemental stones, crafted as they were by the same great mage. One can only hope that we sages and the magicians of Dereth will be able to leave as strong and enduring a legact as the honored Lady Maila.
This resonance remained undetected for so long because the fused gems sacrificed so much of their power to the strength of the armor. With the inert metal of the armor leeching away less of the gems' essence, the suits themselves become more compatible with the resonance of the greater elemental stones.
Gondo Kanezo has confirmed that the new suits of armor, while intrinsically less powerful that their previous incarnations, can be imbued with the strength of the elemental stones. The individual stones confer a greater resistance to their associated elements than the original suits of gemstone armor were ever able to provide, though it must be noted that drastic improvement comes at the price of increased vulnerability to the 'opposed' element.
The effect of the Atlan stones, however, are not solely beneficial. When the armor takes on the elemental properties of the stones, and even becomes physically, it becomes resistant to magical enhancement. Thus the armor becomes immune to the augmentation normally provided by Item magic. The elemental stones need to be removed from the pieces of armor before one is able to enchant them as normal.
I have yet to divinde the exact reason for the incompatibility of elemental armors and magic. I can only speculate that there are greater magical forces at work, resulting from the intricacies of Lady Maila's craft, than I, a newcomer to this world, am able to fully comprehend. One would hope that in the future, I will be able to solve the mystery of Lady Maila's creation.
Ben Ten was, they say, among the first of our people to arrive upon this island, in the days when the Olthoi still ran rampant. Some say Ben Ten was the first Sho to arrive. Whether man or woman, we do not even know for sure; we know only that Ben Ten was tall, thin of frame, and wore always a dark hood. Speaking softly, wielding a tachi of a quality that rivals even the mythical swords of the Dragon Temple, Ben Ten walked the land in search of the desperate who needed help. I know this because I was one of those rescued by Ben Ten.
As a child of only twelve summers, I was torn from my land and brought here, alone. As I wandered the plains, it happened that a pack of what I later learned to be reed sharks came upon me, and I remember fleeing toward an unfamiliar cluster of houses, screaming, sobbing, and kno