Agreed with keith.

Aiyah, guys. must understand how the clan works.... As i see it, there are two type of members
1) the kind that hang out at a lan shop till all familiar and then form clan.
2) the kind that meet online/or friends already/pull people in then form clan.
in the first case, the clan will be very strong cause everyone already familiar and likes to hang out together.
in the second case, which applies to majority of MC and many many clans in singapore. We all good friends, but we don;t have a common meeting place together. the poly guys like toppy, koyo, nirv all this may have chance to see each other every day. the rest if don;t make special effort (becoz of skool, work, bo-chup) then will naturally drift off a bit. Agree?
i suggest that during skool time, esp this part of year (near final exams) everyone be mentally prepared that members will "fade out" Accept it. David, Jimmy, toppy and the rest of you more "hardcore" guys will find it very shack to try to boost up the whole teams morale.
for me personally, i will have a hard time making it down for outings and such (but please ask me anyway ok?) bu tonce holidays start, i will try my best to come back full force

for the rest of you, think which category of player you are and reflect on it. dun need to make apology if you're the second case like me. Dun pang-seh the MC guys, but skool and work is very important too so dun feel bad if MC and CS has to take second place to these things.
my 2cents worth

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