Eh guys..i reg 3urOfunk..duno who take my anyway nvm this is the real me la.Erm i'll be goin to texas tonite so take care all mates.And am i in Team -[s.B?] Team Song Bo? wif panda and company?? And hope the e-games thingy comes along smoothly. To Derek(Zhong,so must put his name first) - Dont pcc too much hor
To kfc - eat more chicken with May!
To Panda - Dont quit ur sch bcos of charbor again hor heeee j/k
To |sKy| - Eric must treat ur gf good ah!
To David - All the best to u and cynthia! wee wooo weee!
To Tango - jio meng more pple! LoL
To jimmy - more bananas!
To Kali - Hope u hook your dream ger in ajc!
To Koyo - Carry more so ur load is heavier!
For the rest whom i left out..sorry either i forgot or wat ah!