ok since there have been lots of interest lately to join MC.......
i guess to make things easiler,
Guys who wanna join MC can contact me through ICQ
the no. is 71499344
u can only be granted a trial only when i give u one.
but after a trial.....whether u join MC depends on a vote through the council or even a vote throughout the whole MC if the issue is debatetable
so there's no need to pester the other MC members for trial, there is only one person in charge of recruitment in MC, and that's me.
thank you and have a nice day
Gravitation can not be held resposible for people falling in love
and neither can me!!!
[This message has been edited by -=MC=-N|rVaNa (edited 09 July 2000).]
hi nirvana huh ??? so am i included or wat??? r-sniper neber post topic one bluff me
kk...reply me a.s.a.p thanks!!!
Can recuit under 16 gers..
Form 1 under-16 i take charge lah
Steady bo?
I Sux?
I am only a newbie leh