Check this out. It's worth a look if u looking to further improve ur CS skills. out the tips, it's absolutely accurate about the new shooting style in Beta 6.6. Certainly looking to improvements in my shooting, been having bad CS days recently.
Oh yah, another thing i found out for myself was the M3 shotgun's timing. I was training wif it and i realised that the "click-click" between shots can be cut abruptly by another well-timed shot. That means u dont have to wait for the whole sound to be over then can shoot another time. However, to shorten the time between the bullets (or to perform this trick successfully), only one click of the mouse is allowed. Wrong timing means too bad loh.
I guess some of you all already know this but since MC has little shotgunners, and considering the fact that one of the M3's shots consists of 8 pellets of which each brings a damage of 15% to the body (enuff to kill instantly), it's worth training for CQB'ers.
Enjoy. And Pls post more tips if u have any. It's been a long time since we last shared CS tips. Thanks
*Enigma Dropped Due To Timeout*
-Transmition out-