Originally posted by -=MC=-N|rVaNa:
I think we should at least give confused aka Supbot and Kurei some chance of joining us.............
confused's posts are already 100 over ( catching up with me liaoz :p)
and kurei is very active in our irc channel
these have shown their sincerity.....
I think it would really be an injustice if we didn't even give them a trial or at least put this up for a vote.
call me soft-hearted or watever but dun u think they are pretty sincere about this?
not like people who clan-hops( no offence to anyone )
erm...but i think wat's most important now is to get our council thing settled as many decisions and problems within MC is left unsettled, and this would only count in the downfall of MC.
Maybe Roger can get us going by organising an outing next weekend to decide about our future?
Adrian's busy with AC and Derek's pretty busy with his school's orientation to organise these stuff
Roger is trying really hard get us going again and get us back to the glory days
so i hope everyone supports him if he organise a big MC meeting ( ermm....if all go then it would be like gang fight but WHO CARES )
I hope all of u guys who consider urself a part of MC, make it a point to come out this weekend. ( cos normally weekends are ur leisure time so pls dun give excuses )
Let's keep the spirit going and keep the posts flowing.......pls reply if u are interested.
Thanks for ur time in reading this long post.
It's great to hear some good comment =), but I'll not be so much involve with AC now as I am level 22 and I am gonna play it at leisure now. I am going to study for my O's much more now.
I'll still be around ACing, maybe 2-3 hrs a day only and of course more on weekends.
99.99% would not be playing CS online.