Originally posted by tango:
heres it, the new official structure.
From now on, there would only be 1 Captain in MC, the Captain is too the president of MC.
TopGun will be the 1st Lieutenant of MC and he is the Vice-President of MC.
Kali, KuKuBird and me will be the 2nd Lieutenants and are part of the council of MC.
There will be 4 more members to be in the council after the voting.
A note to all the ex officers and that is, you all will be repost to become a specialist. ( I hope you all don't mind).
A officer's job in MC is now to lead and to command mainly and has the responsibility for further clan matches and training session.
We're trying to work out with the new specialist ranking structure. The current 4 Elements, A, B, C and D will form into 1 Elite Squad.
Members who apply for leave will be on the assign the the on leave duty rooster as we will still value them as members of MC even if they are not participating as they had explained their reasons.
Soldiers in MIA listing will be cleared from the listing of MC members structure should he disappeared without a reason.
Get this clear, MIA and On Leave are 2 different listing.
I and the other leaders will try to get things done by the end of next week as I do not think we should drag things over time.
2nd.LT Tango out.
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then the president aka captain of MC will b voted by council or all members?