If we want MC to be a friend's club.
We have done that.
If we want MC to be a pro clan,
we have yet to reach that standard.
If we set up MC is just to have fun only,
have we achieved that? I can't answer this.
If we want to acheive both the following,
we have failed terribly then.
If we want MC to be a big clan involving lots of game, we too have failed that.
So, I think we really need to note down the purpose for the existence of Clan MC.
Right now, MC is a lost clan, a clan without any heading. It's just like existing in the world without a purpose.
In life, if we do things without any purpose then I am sure everyone of us will agree that it is pointless.
I think we will need to figure out the purpose of MC's existence.
This will be a long one, you can choose not to read. MC has came a long way. In Deltaforce days, we have not much problems as DF is a game play online, matches held online. However, now in CS, matches are mostly done in lan shops. Training can't be held online only. Outings are more of an issues now.
I have been really committed to MC all the while, maybe even too committed. MC is a great clan, I would agree on that. But the way MC is going is like half-cook instant noodle. We have no heading, everything is just half done. We have yet to really succeed in what we want. As I said earlier on, there is no heading.
Ask yourself, your existence in MC. Where are you heading in the gaming arena? Making more friends or just want to be good or just want to have fun?
I am not sure about my existence too. I am in MC, why? I think I am in MC because I used to be in MC and I like the friends in MC and MC is a lively clan.
I do not know if we're going to head the correct way if MC should decide to become a pro clan. MC will spilt if we decide to go just pro and I hate that for sure but considering the way MC is going right now, we'll drop someday.
I do hope you gentlemen will give me some insight into the future MC. Not crappy comments just so that you can increase your amount of post.
Some issue I wish to mention is,
do some of you not realise you are too stuborn and too individualistic even though I mention it earlier on? Sorry, I mean no offence but I feel since no one has the balls to mention I, then I shall be the bad guy who shall say it all.
I do not wish to give names but please try to reflect on yourself. You may feel I am offensive but what I am saying is for the good of the clan. Being proud of yourself too much will result in your own death and the team's capability. CS is a team game and not like quake. CS 6.5 now makes it that teamwork is the essential element to winning. You can be a solo king either good with your mp5 or awp to win the match for your team but now you can't. Good teamwork can make a big difference now. Coordination of timing, surprise of element and cooperation is the key now. Accuracy is a issue but it is nothing compared to teamwork. Should whoever think I am too straight forward this time, go ahead and flame me. I am not saint and I do have faults.
I am actually flaming some members of MC this time and yes I might cause a internal uproar with this post but what I am doing right now is hope that you can actually understand your weak points and work on them.
Can't you guys understand helping the team win is the key point and not just fragging others? This has all along been the weak point of MC. Only when we lose then will people start to cooperate but then it is always too late.
Till now, I am very lost with the way MC is heading. I know initially we all are agreeing on a friend clan and a friend clan which is striving to improve and striving to beat the best.
Do you guys realise the administration team has put in a lot of effort to actually keep the clan going?
Derek has been keeping the clan going since last year.
Roger with his effort in organising CPL but ended with great disappointment. None of our team actually manage to qualify if I am not wrong.
I know some members are already feeling MC is a clan without heading.
There are many problems to solve within the clan.
1.Our aims
2.Our council
A simple way to solve this is just to disband MC and recruit again depending on whoever wants to join but this is just a way to escape from the problems.
Those who has join MC long enough can feel that MC is not as lively as before. We have members but participating ones? How many?
I am not meaning outings only. Some time back, MC always play together even without MC server. Now? MC plays seperately. I can see MC in all different servers.
Are ranks actually keeping us from being closer? This I really don't know but times are really going bad for us.
I am just speaking whatever now comes to my mind. I know my best time in MC was deltaforce days and the next best moment was the MC days during earlier part of this year. It was a much more lively and active clan. Even though I sucks big time and was pretty much a newbie then I love the then MC more than the present one. There are so many problems.
If we are to go and become a pro clan, I personally feel it sucks. We can find other methods to this.
Sorry to say this directly to you David. We should remove the listing of member in term of who is better than who. Most of the member in MC has their talents differently.
Taking Derek aka TopGun. He might not be a super pro player but he makes up with his good leadership. Without him, MC would have been just like any of those crap inactive clans. I am not the best too, without anyone to actually cover me, no matter how good my awp is back in CS B6.2, I am pretty useless. The ranking of whichever player is better is making some players feel more inferior. I know ranks give some players that feeling but as time goes by, ranks in MC is more of the commitment, loyalty and dedications done by you rather than your skill. Skill doesn't really plays that much in your ranking. The direct differentiation of your ranking list really makes ME feels you're spliting up the players. I know you mean good but that is a bad idea. I am just trying to be honest, you're a great friend but I feel that was a wrong move.
I have more to speak actually but with my tired mind now, I must rest. Maybe I'll continue, maybe not as I feel I have spoken a little too straight this morning and have pretty much offend many members.