Serg Unknown:Enemy at 500miles away from Alpha camp.
Serg Unknown:Schedule to arrive and assault at 09/06/2000 at 1900 hour.
Capt Gay: Send in reinforcement at 03/06/2000 at 2000 hours. Full combat orders and 2 sections of 5 men to be prepared for assault at 08/06/2000 at 0500 hours. No failures!
(Go figure, you guys continue the story =P)
Originally posted by MeRv:
haha tokkin bout cpl
Not really totally about CPL.
Continue the story else, don't post.
Serg Unknown: Capt! a group of mercenaries are found shall we make used of them ,sir!
Capt Gay: Are they GAY?
Serg Unknown: Yesh! Most of them are GAYS sir! UMM... i guess all are sir! And also i heard rumors that one guy is from a country call europe.That y he call himself Eurofuck sir! And umm.. i hear that one of them is damn rich.. open a chain of fastfood restaurents that sell chicken sir!.
Capt GAY: Nvrm abt other info. I LUV GAYS~ Recruit them immediately see if they wanna join us in our combat!
~To Be continue~
------------------ They ask me to fallback but... A recon specialist has no option to live...
[This message has been edited by -=MC=-Force! (edited 03 June 2000).]