OEI Wolf where can u say can plant bomb in the water i try liaoz cannot lehz and fox say what plant bomb on train wha liewz Bunch of Craps where got i tried so long liaoz still cannot leh how u do wan teach me leh!!!
duhh... u plant at bomb spot... then at last minute (when the bar almost full) u walk off the bridge... then the bomb will drop in water wif u lorz... and the train 1 oso can werk... but muz time damn choonz... or else the train carry u too far then cannot plant liaoz
Chiong as a team...
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yup me try wif no gravity in Flatout, it works, gonna finish tat time i jump the bomb follow me and disappear, but than the bomb no use liao
Sniping into 2000 and beyond
NCC(AIR) Stgab Unit LCP Shawn Chng
wat do u mean no use? means dun explode?
See bei chimz leh!!! cannot larz by the time i walk to the end of the bridge cannot plant liaoz
kali: no use coz it explode but t dun win
kurei: tats y i say muz time... time!!! last minute then chaoz
Chiong as a team...
Win as a team!
Yeah i can do it liaoz kaoz some kind of bug or cheat? i stand infront looking at it nver die??? WTF???
yah... u look and it and neber die... then when bomb explode... the bridge blows up... no matter where the bomb iz
Chiong as a team...
Win as a team!
Wah lau bug... if got a bug like u shoot ur bullets anywhere oso tio ur enemy then good hor? like the bomb no matter where u place it the bridge oso bomb
Like the stars we are
So near
Yet so far