Ok guys to those who wants to quit MC
thing first
before u regret
i am not goin to allow anyone who leave mc already and come back again
got it guys ?
so think twice b4 making your decisions
and to those unactive members
you will receive a email that you are being boot or a nicer word "transfer out" of mirage corps. THIS TIME I WILL BE VERY STRICT ABOUT IT
how then consider inactive?
Chiong as a team...
Win as a team!
erm those almost ddin come out and seldom seen online lor!!
unless those in army then nothing to say...
well... i didnt come out.. but always online how?
Chiong as a team...
Win as a team!
hey derek xiong here..anyway i agree with yr point that inactive players r of not much use to the clan but at least we i mean me and myself r still part of MC as some of us r bz working or having other commitments..we have no choice but dun 4get it is in the INTERNET that really raises our clan reputation..i agree that winning some small kind tourneys can help us but how MANY ppl know that some clans win competition or all kind of crap..i am new in cs and i play in lan shop often but wat the fark is CsT..i didn`t even heard of their name...it is also online where our clan MC can really be famous..everyone has a role in MC..nitrogerm shouldn`t be leaving juz because of his reasons..but we will have to respect them if he insists..as for myself and i continuing with my most important period of time..it is the time for me to work hard now and establish a career for myself..i will try my best to go for outings next time.and as i can say..it isn`t fair to condemm some of us cause we never go for outings but if they i mean some players whom they juz disappeared meaning that u have no contacts with him and he doesn`t appeared on net for even a single time i think it`s time for him to be relieved for his duties..and i hope most of us play more often online..it is important..love u guys...we have so much fun always on late nites and early mornings..u know who am i toking abt..hehe
Whom we frag..nitemares echoes in their mind for eternity..