As the topic goes,
suggestions are welcome but don't give a vague suggestion and expect all of us to finish up for you.
If you have something to suggest, like asking us to join a competition or league or tourney, please give us a better idea of what is going to happen. Don't expect the council to always plan things out for you.
The council members currently are Koyo, TopGun, KuKubird, Kali, Tango and of course more to come if you're willing to take your responsibility.
Absolute Accuracy
Absolute Killings
Absolute Rulez
Clan matches ar, juz have the required amount of ppl go lar
Clan outings all go loh
Regular training once a month at g-surf? i.e every last sat of the month go play play?
Regular Clan NET pratices? i.e every sat where got no pratices play over net from 8 onwards wif 1 guy being delicated server
nothing liao loh
all these juz suggestions ar
Sniping into 2000 and beyond
NCC(AIR) Stgab Unit LCP Shawn Chng