Hmm i think ill sign up as the MC inteligence officer =P
cst news: cst members are currently using new nicks. also Cst 9mm/dawg com was trashed. It is said that his dad(REAL ANGRY) punched his com(POWER) and damaged it. His Geforce pro card was broken in the process.
p.s. incase u wondering or didnt noe 9mm's real name is JAMIE.... its a unisex name =]
Har? than y the topic New Flash?
izzit -> new flash intro
or -> NEWS flash (as in ChannelNewSAsia?
LOL sorry me ment NEWS Flash LOL
i typed it at 3am this morning blur lioz i dun even noe why i typed the toopid thing out %#$^#$%^& must be exam stress getting to me well sorry for the crap