Map De_Dust Elm (CT) Win 16 - Death (T) Win 13 Elm (T) Win 3 - Death (CT) Win 21
Map De_Nuke Elm (T) Win 6 - Death (CT) Win 16 Elm (CT) Win 6 - Death (T) Win 17
Overall Wins - Elm 31 - Death 67
Errr....who is death??
and are they come elm lose to them??
anyway..jus wondering
Well.... Long ago there was a Clan called Ssc
which ruled the servers during CS v4(as far as i remeber)... but it got Disbanded into 3 groups.. R.I.P, Death & Outcast... Death consist of the previous Ssc's core members
This kinda reminds me of Romance of three Kingdoms...
Well.. he's wrong.. death is NOT a sub of Ssc... It is a clan that resides in D-Sonic when Ssc still exists.. but when Ssc disband a few of ssc's ex core member went to Death.. lor. BTW ELM win Cst leh u all noe ??
hoo boy... played against ELM todae at matrix... POWER SNIPERS!!! but i made u guyz proud and became 3rd top fragger =) haha... at least a little more frags than other ELM members lor =P
I from ][R.I.P][ BUT im not Ssc...
------------------ iS NoT HoW MaNy u FraG iS WhO u Frag.....
Death have 5 ex-Ssc players and 3 originally Death players!!! not all the core players go to Death... becose all of us got different aims ! the NOW Ssc is nothing related to the old Ssc as i know. the onli memeber from the old Ssc is jesusfreak which is the clan leader and most of the memebers .. i also don't know them!
we ruled the servers meh? wow exodus, u got gd memory sia! [Death]blackrain, [ELM]cookiemonster and |CsT|Cman play online onli wat!!! LOL...
hrmmm I yesterday went to D-sonic hmm quite nice place good PC and network connection.....but a bit ex for non memebers.... and one thing the lady working at nite pian ChioZ eh LoL gtf
hahahaha kidding
she married liao ..... hahhhah
weekdays 4 bucks for non member and 3 for members weekend 5 bucks for non member and 4 for memebrs
membership is 20 bucks for lifetime and also can enjoy other privileges actually not that expensive
Only place I can ever play well is SLS G-Surf.
Whats system config at D-Sonic? 3 Button mouse? Scrollable?