Q> i am addicted to porno websites. how can i stop!! :: pornboy
<A> put your interest to best use. get a video cam, get an equally perverted friend to film u ala pornstar, watch it over and over again. try and get off by watching yourself do horrendous sexual activities. invite yer friends over for popcorn to view the films. sooner or later u will forget about porno websites. and probably start a career in cheap b rate porno flicks. good luck!
<Q> my boyfriend constantly wants sex from me. how can i make him less interested in my body? :: oversexed gurl.
<A> go for a sex change. get rid of yer breasts. and get a dick. i'll lay my nuts on the line if he is still interested in u after all that.
<Q> i am a teenager and i want to date girls! :: teenagerx
<A> well since i dun know yer sex, if yer male, get ta knoe decent gurls and ask em out. and if yer a female, look for a lesbian.