After much anticipation, finally a new batches of limousine cab might due to be on the road somewhere this years.
Currently our meter reading justified for such high overhead?
Wah piang....
U (below)...
this existing thread ? Same contents....
I really no eyes see....
Haha, no wonder sound so familiar.
Ok delete,please.
...too much
Just per normal thread.
If the new fleet is white colour.... 100% (above) to the meter fare....
If new fleet other colour.... then maybe....
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:
If the new fleet is white colour.... 100% (above) to the meter fare....
If new fleet other colour.... then maybe....
Confirm White la.
Heard if meter adjust for white is across the board, new and old..that's why jialet, follow them to die.
Originally posted by Onewaytransfer:
Confirm White la.
Heard if meter adjust for white is across the board, new and old..that's why jialet, follow them to die.
You sure bo ?
market rumours lah....
People like to talk here talk there.... Kong Wu...Kong Bo...
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:You sure bo ?
market rumours lah....
People like to talk here talk there.... Kong Wu...Kong Bo...
I always listen to 61%..they confirm more accurate..
But might not be approved by PTC.
Originally posted by Onewaytransfer:
I always listen to 61%..they confirm more accurate..
But might not be approved by PTC.
PTC useless lah...
If they rejects at the 1st instant..... the Chrysler's higher meter jump will not be in the picture.
Maybe WRT has views on this...
White Rubbish Taxi... you here ?
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Maybe WRT has views on this...
White Rubbish Taxi... you here ?
What I've been told by premier guy... new limo is white colour, and for meter fare no changes... still $3.90 same as old limo. This I can confirm.
The last fare hike already factor in already....
They (coy) cannot suka suka implement fare hikes.... furthermore Comfuck Tai-ko is a Listed company...
Acutally, they should come up with 2 categories of taxi fare.
1) Normal Taxi Fare.
2) Limo Taxi Fare.
Cannot lah....
If not.... the passenger all jump @ Taxi-stands....
then the Limo TDs... all eat...
Only LTA approved Limousine Q is at AP limo, TM Ferry Terminal.
Same meter fare??? $160 jialat..
Originally posted by Onewaytransfer:Same meter fare??? $160 jialat..
Wah piang....
WRT went and put $500 deposit liao.... now you called him stupid ?
Originally posted by Just_do_it_lah:Wah piang....
WRT went and put $500 deposit liao.... now you called him stupid ?
Hehehe... No problem... no heart feeling.. yeah i may look stupid for taking up a new merc.. but i don't want to be more stupid to lose all my regular clients.
Originally posted by White Rubbish Truck:Hehehe... No problem... no heart feeling.. yeah i may look stupid for taking up a new merc.. but i don't want to be more stupid to lose all my regular clients.
Never try... Never know....
If I were you....
Originally posted by Onewaytransfer:Same meter fare??? $160 jialat..
I thought you a ..... well train to any adversed situation..
...and further more having experience in..
...definitely not a ..
Looking for picture say 'life is tough', so just throw in, never read behind..haha
My apologies..
Originally posted by Onewaytransfer:Looking for picture say 'life is tough', so just throw in, never read behind..haha
My apologies..
we wish WRT....
Actually don't mean anyone will be stupid to take new mercedes.
Individual had their own calculation on what's idea for them.
I might follow suit also..heehee