Ambigram is a typographical design or artform that may be read as one or more words not only in its form as presented, but also from another viewpoint, direction, or orientation. The words readable in the other viewpoint, direction or orientation may be the same or different from the original words. For example, the word may read Mark in a way and when rotated 180 degrees, it’s still read as Mark. A word may also be read as Mark but when rotated 180 degrees, it’s read as Jack or any other name or word.
Ambigrams, also known as FlipScript, the most amazing and fascinating font ever known is now available island wide at a very low cost. You can simply contact us and tell us what word/name or even random letters you would like to see in Ambigram. Within a few hours, it will be done delivered to your house. All Ambigrams are freehand drown and you can be sure that you will never find anything quite like that on the internet.
Ambigrams are more than words or lines, they are arts. You can use it for almost anything, tattoos, pictures or just simply add on to your collections. Price range from minimum S$5 to S$10 depending on the length and combination, exclusive travelling fare.
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examples of your work? with computer programs able to do this for free, you would have to show that your work is of a higher-caliber to get any business.
Most computer prgrams does simple ambigrams and for more difficult once, software of internet generator cant do the job. right now i cant really show any work cause the scanner a bit prob but i will try to post some soon. thx for the suggestion.