Originally posted by The Samurai Warrior:I am getting sick n tired of seeing all the candidates be so highly educated. Must they have PHD? Must come from best schools?
Come on !
I want a commoner ! Somebody from the grassroots. I bet somebody who is uneducated can do a better job than somebody who is educated from the elite and high class society. I want to see ban mien sellers and ordinary blue collar workers stand for election, everybody people - somebody who understands poor people like me.
I am sick of seeing highly educated people in the ministries commanding high salary.
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs never pass out from their respective universities, yet they are the most successful people in the world.
that would be the ideal.but no one is like that today.the last asian who was uneducated was POL pot.he failed his electrical engineering diploma....came back to cambodia.....turned insane and killed everyone there.
this education is to sort out n filter out normal and crazy people.if they are normal they would pass out of school thats not kelong in any way n know what is acceptable and unacceptable as humans.and they would rule peacefully and everyone would prosper.
but if person is half crazy like pol pot,,,where education is not priority or cant assemble anything with his mind....dun be surprised boat people from spore even in future.
uinlike most ang mo where they have bill gates or thomas edison,,,somehow the asians are not like them.bill gates n thomas edicson have something to show before they grew old. so if u thought u chose a asian edison or bill gates...that person could be pol pot.