I anticipated that PAP wil boast that look at the governments of Ireland and Greece in Europe. they overspent recklessly and needed EU and IMF to bail them out.
PAP will surely boast, look at their track record, they have never overspend a single cent and surpluses are being channeled back to reserves or Budget, or upgrading of lifts and infrastructure. dun believe me, just watch this space in the coming months and weeks, as we count down to Election 2011.
self praise is no praise.
Lim Hwee Hua want a deficeit budget... we are heading in that direction.
if a non welfare state like sg also can overspend.. then our talent is really very talented already lor..
overspend like minister salaries lor, on lifts and flyovers and underground tunnels etc. what else?
I think Sinkapore take the far extreme opposite direction, by not spending and bleed us dry instead, I think the government will try for the bones next.
Stingy on providing social welfare for citizens while splurge on own salary. While other countries are spending more on social welfare while cutting back on politician salaries.
One benefit ownself, the other benefit citizens.
But people still vote for them. LOL...
Spore no natural resources. Nothing except can give manpower to the world. Also need strong reserve to keep spore afloat. Imagine spore bankrupt, all investors/foreingers flee. Spore doom.