SINGAPORE: Users of SingPass, the gateway to e-Government services, were warned by the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) on Thursday (Jun 25) not to fall for a phishing email making the rounds.
According to IDA's Facebook post, some SingPass users have received an email titled "SingPass account security info verification" from "SingPass Government [[email protected]]”. The email informs recipients that their SingPass PINs have been suspended and to click on a link to confirm their email address, it added.
"Please note that this is a phishing email, which is NOT sent by SingPass. Should you receive this email, do not click on the link, simply delete it and contact SingPass at [email protected]," IDA wrote.
Phishing is a criminally fraudulent process whereby the cybercriminal attempts to get users to divulge sensitive personal information via a website or mobile application such as their user identities and passwords, and credit card details, according to the SingPass website.