StraitsTimes. Published on Jul 09, 2014 Act against selling of freehold sites as leasehold PRIVATE property developers should not be allowed to develop freehold land to sell as leasehold residential units ("Homes sold as leasehold tenures on freehold sites"; June 14). This prevents a much larger number of ordinary folk from ever owning freehold properties. It will also unfairly concentrate ownership of freehold properties in the hands of a few big developers and perpetuate wealth in a few families. In time, the price of existing freehold properties would likely be driven much higher than the current premium. If a developer can parcel out its freehold land as leasehold, then it would be only fair to allow individuals who own freehold properties, especially landed properties, to sell them as leasehold as well. But I can see many obstacles to this. One concession to those who wish to develop freehold land into leasehold residential properties could be for the Government to allow only two leases of 100 years each. At the end of this period, the land reverts back to the Government. Only the Government should be allowed to develop freehold land to sell as leasehold tenures. Land in Singapore is too scarce for large quantities to be hoarded in perpetuity by a few private vehicles. The appropriate authorities should act soon to stop this unhealthy development. Leong Chee-Hong Copyright © 2014 Singapore Press Holdings. All rights reserved. Act against selling of freehold sites as leasehold |
Re (A1): Pte selling of freehold sites as leasehold: a dis-amenity to Singaporean home owners.
This one you also complain. Pay 10-20% more only. There are enough freeholds homes to choose. |
Re (A1): Pte selling of freehold sites as leasehold: a dis-amenity to Singaporean home own
The rule only transfer wealth from state to developers or companies. I dont see individual living 10 x 99 years to keep passing it on... |
Who I am in its Jake other the bodybuilder so for me I have my own sanctuary which is pretty much my office that you know here I look around at the achievements I'm surrounded by what my life from the beginning arm to now has become so for me it's our it's enough for me and yes I have some function equipment in the gym I cardiovascular not to things which are necessary in the morning I don't have to drive tithe gym so that allows me to be with getting what Indeed to and of course Elliskin I believe all the weights to the gym they have the most weights I like to do variety you know I move heavy dumbbell so you know I work anywhere between 25 from to you know 100 and 60 pound dumbbells most often so that behind about big collection have in your home gym and the way I look at it is our always gone away train by not to that extreme you know I think when I retirement or on hundred-some on dumbbells despite not going to happen as much so is kind of pointless to build something that's not forever you know I think that they think the biggest misconception is that we do things really extremely different and that's not necessarily.
I'm joining this lecture way at BDO I'm not quite sure whether you can seemed already okay I'm life I'm Siemens so s customer just said in Spanish he set up his annual for years to go and before that I work for force them partners I heard you'restudying interior design and most interested in interior design projects but I think actually designing architecture or interior designs success it the same Cassini to put your ideas for singletons paper so I want to show you one project which Yacon Root Max we've completed just recently in Berlin modern Berlin in Germany much for Beck common factor which I’m not going to mention yep from and it's a very nice little project and I can show you the full process from the first concept to completing its after what I want total a little bit about how you can do beautiful designs without having a concept for it so let's start with the presentation in you see my power point presentation now that work yes yeah wait a second so um translate those stats million Sebastian how r MPC's see ourselves we've got these nice pictures for everybody I'm be run the company and we figuredout in the past few years that drawing sections and plans a sexy not the way forward to make beautiful designs we then decided that doing was only stations from 3d months actually.
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You didn’t say this but let's face with doc or decide like a game is type things and my question is on competitively sort of is deep mathematical thinking more like what's the marginal contribution deep thinking compared to these right game like now that’s a wonderful question in a in an exercise like Sudoku at its them any exercise like that its is useful especially if it's a newly it you know in that period in Superior Test X which you’re acquiring the ability to have followed a simple rules that relate toot and it but the course the main thing that you're acquiring by such exercises to Masterson ok alright doesn't really translate to any sitting in generalized benefit and really what you're trying to do the question is what generalized benefit are you seeking if you're seeking improvements in something like Deep Freeze near D-twenty in a sense that the strategies have teat to evolve first while the two aspects that one is what are the fundamental resources you need to support that so there comes a foundation up the manipulation information below that that has to be in place before you can ever.
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