wondering if you ppl would like to play COunter Strike..
I am a regular player but i am not in any clan..
Sometimes i play at Clementi after going back from NUs..
Exams finish on the 22nd..
anybody want to join me to play after that?
me! drop me a mail at mariogoh@singnet.com.sg. i have some friends who are also cs enthusiasts
Wah..u not sian of cs? Heard now got alot of aimbots..very chow..
Anyway ask u whether it is better to fit silencer on carbine or not to fit?
yes of cos fit the silencer...
it helps a lot because when you sneak up on someone...
sometimes you can take your time to shoot...
bit by bit... and he woud need time to find where you are...
but if it's any normal gun.. they know where it's coming from straight away.
It's one of the better weapons.. accurate..
Although recoil is lowered, but the firepower is reduced too..juz wondering if its worth the tradeoff..
Cs !!!!!!
oi who want to play ...
last call liau...
mmm Starcraft oso can...
I long time neber play Starcraft..
but i guess dun mind playing that too...
Need to destress after exams..
here so dead...no one reply lah..
go to chit chat...better luck...
there got more ppl..and got more CS freaks..
~~EviL AngeL~~
[/i:vel eindzel/]
more affectionately known as...
tHe eXtrA-oRdiNaRy eCCenTriC PaRanOid BiTch wiF thE PaiZaBor aTTiTudE
(that happens to love prata...and Quickly PearlTofu and Peach Ice w/pearls)
A hiaK~ is a sarcastic laugh
Last call
Any body want to play Cs?
Starcraft oso can..
but i rusty ...
2yrs never play..
But still can
= )