Hello! We are a group of students doing a project on the conservation of memories. We believe that certain objects can trigger a person’s memories and let people remember certain incidents and experiences. Therefore we intend to conserve memories through artefacts.
E.g. A girl’s father gives her a book with an inscription in it for her birthday. He dies in a tragic accident days later. The book is now an artefact that reminds the girl of her days with her father. It triggers memories of him whenever she sees it. Thus through the book, the memories of her days with her father can be conserved. Moreover, lessons can be derived from the girl’s personal experiences and can then be transferred to the public.
We plan to do this through an online museum (http://conservememories.weebly.com/) and a physical exhibition, and would like to appeal to you to contribute to our effort by submitting pictures, videos and descriptions of your artefacts that cohere with our project, and/or allowing us to display your artefact at our exhibition.
Guidelines on contributing:
· We accept a maximum of 3 photographs/pictures and 1 video clip
· If you are planning to host your video on online video sharing websites (such as Metacafe, Dailymotion, Veoh, YouTube or Google Video) do provide us with either the link or embed code of your video.
· When writing the description of your artefact, please describe the memories that the artefact triggers in your life and the possible lesson(s) (optional but strongly encouraged) that can be derived from these memories.
· Please specify if you would like to remain anonymous and or/public comments disabled for your artefact.
· Please email your submissions (name of artefact as subject header) to conservememories@gmail.com
· If you would like to contribute to our physical exhibition please drop us an email at the above email address and we will get in touch with you a.s.a.p.
· Whether you are contributing or not, please fill in our survey http://www.kwiksurveys.com/online-survey.php?surveyID=INOLK_2e0eb0c7
Thank you for your support (: