We seek the your kind understanding that our forum is making continuous efforts to improve this section.
Where possible, we try to place as little constraints in the articles or pictures you put up here to share with all forumers.
However , we need to constantly watch ourselves with regards to the copyright rules and regulations, as well as the need to credit the relevant sites/ authors/artists when necessary. Hence if u can quote the source , it is a plus. If u cant and we are happened to be approached by the source , we will take down with no further notice to the thread owners. Appreciate your understanding in this.
As a general guide,
the following are allowed in this Adult talk section. (Updated as of 24 Feb 2006)
1) Adult cartoons
2) Pics of Animals Having Sex
3) Pics of Sex Products
4) Sex (vaginal and penis must be concealed. eg, man entering woman from behind but the pte parts are concealed)/ Nude (topless only) Drawings. Limited to 10 pics per thread. ( allowed only if it is external linking with credits given )
5) Pic of Sexually Dressed Women or Men ( Actually there is a section for this in gallery for everyone. )
6)Erotic Stories
7) Sex Jokes
The following are NOT allowed:
1) NO SPAMMING of any kind is allowed. Eg, ****starguru or any referral links.
3) NO USAGE of Keeptouch Server for your personal nudes.
4) NO SOLICITING of " Special Services " or anything that gave a suggestion / intention that you are providing such a service