Please accept this letter as my formal complaint against and demand for an ... into this abuse of authority and misuse of government resources.
One of your Immigration Officer in ICA Building abusing his authority and accessing the office computer for personal purposes against innocent Singaporean…Richard Goh.
His passport have be mark in your Immigration computer system for nothing.
Your Immigration Officer have put the whole passport system into jeopardy.
My friend’s (Richard Goh ) don’t have any crirminal record.
Every time he travel from Singapore at Woodlands Checkpoint always mistreated by your Immigration Officer.
On 22 Jan 2009, We have be mistreated by your Immigration Officer misuse his authority to take advantage against innocent Singaporean.
Do your Immigration Officer have the right to misuse his authority and abuse of the law ? Causing innocent Singaporeans to fear Immigration Officer dirty tricks ?
ICA didn't pay Immigration Officer enough Salary ? As our extraordinary and unique leaders always said, if you pay someone enough then they won't get corrupt.
There was a time when the country asked ordinary men to do extraordinary things.
And now your Immigration Officer abusing his authority against innocent Singaporean.
It's a Shame on your Immigration Officer misuse his authority to take advantage against innocent Singaporean.
I have witnesses / evidence and voice recorder your Immigration Officer everything his say at Woodlands Checkpoint office on 22 Jan 2009.
Hope you can Suspended and charge your Immigration Officer for abuse of authority and misuse of government resources.
I dearly hope the relevant authorities can give me a satisfactory explanation how all this incidents could have happened ?