I am not sure if there is anybody out there considering a membership with California Fitness. Apart from being known for its hard-sell sales tactics, the club has recently introduced a ridiculous new policy: Each member is only 'entitled' to one 1 large and 1 small towel with each gym session - if you want an additional towel, it's going to cost you an extra $3. Apparently, this policy aims to reduce energy consumption, so as to neutralize the effect on climate change. However, anybody can tell that this is no more than a shameless cost saving tactic, masquerading in the name of 'green'. When I gave my feedback to the club, expressing my unhappiness with this new policy, I was merely told to refer to my 'New Member Orientation Checklist on towel usage' - obviously, this is not a club that takes membership retention very seriously. So what next? Do members need to start paying for plastic bags, electricity and hot water? Why not start charging us for the use of the hair dryer and water cooler? That could go a long way in energy and water conservation.
If you are a member reading this and feel as strongly as I do about this ridiculous policy - then please, speak up, give your feedback, lodge a complain with them....we shouldn't let companies like that get away with it.
Whoa, which CF branch you talking about? I am not aware of such a new policy
I agree with dylan. what a riduculous policy!! they should've conducted a survey before implementing such a drastic cut in towel usage. Understand this is for a the sake of the green initiatives, which I totally support. but I typically need 2 large towels and 1 small towel every time I go to the gym, which I think is reasonable. When we pay high gym membership fee, basic services such as towels are usage are expected. I suggest california fitness to review and renew it's towel policy. such a rip off!!