Food : anything eaten to satisfy appetite and to meet physiological needs for growth, to maintain all body processes, and to supply energy to maintain body temperature and activity.
A good cook is like a sorceress who dispenses happiness.
Cookery cannot be done like pharmacy: the Pharmacist is obliged to weigh every ingredient that he employs, as he does not like to taste it; the Cook, on the contrary, must taste often, as the reduction increases the flavor.
I remember what my mother used to tell me.....
"Learn how to cook! That's the way to save money. You don't save it buying prepared foods;..... you save it buying fresh foods in season...and you prepare them from scratch at home".
So if you have made up your mind on LEARNING HOW TO COOK, ask yourself this question...
What do i want to (learn how to) cook?
I tell you this day..
Learn how to cook today and you would be glad you did...