Tibet is a part of China since 13century
it belonged to part of Yuan Dynast territory/1 of 56 great races!they formed China!
Support China!!! Support Beijing!!
China will be prosperous!!! Those who hate the growing up of China are evil and I curse you are not gonna have a happy end youself!
is democracy the answer for all problems of these world?We Chinese have our own way, the western world shouldn't have the arrogance to tell us what to do.
Looking back I decided to delete my rude comment.
u think all de asian countries r suitable to democracy? ! we have our own style!!!!!!!we don follow de westerns!!!!!!!11
Communism is a Western concept!
Civilisation is NOT!
If communism is so cool. Why do it's cowardly supporters usually feel the need to hide behind a new profile everytime that they post a message?