Originally posted by KuchikiShaun:
If you're not out to compare churches, why post that in the first place? You are the one bringing it up. I'm mearly defending my cell leader.
Anyway, it doesn't matter because what's most important is that we all worship the same GOD and that's all that counts
I post because there is a factual error in the post. I also believe that as a Christian, when we make a claim, we better be able to substantiate it, otherwise unbelievers will look at us incredulously.
If I claim that I belong to the largest congregation in Singapore, factually it has to be the largest congregation in Singapore. Being ONE of the largest doesn't even count. It is as simple as that.
Factually, when your cell leader states that SDA is the second largest denomination in the world, the statement is very simple. There was no qualifying point as to whether he meant one that is tightly organised nor does it mean that there is a strong structure.
Also, while defending your cell leader is commendable, we need to state black as black and white as white, otherwise where is our witness?
The alternative is: continue to state whatever you wish and mislead people who may be reading.
I may be splitting hairs here, but non-Christians always look at us with suspicious eyes. Any ridiculous claim can and will be used against us. Note that.