After spending mush time visiting forums, i have decided to promote myself!
I want to design a webpage to display information as well as hosting a forum.
I have some questions:
I will use dreamweaver(me no knowledge) to design the webpage. Can it be used to design a forum as well?
What hosting service i can look for. I don't intend to pay coz its an experimental project.
What are other realistic issues to take note of?
Any step by step guide is most appreciated.
wa if you serious in designing a forum, you got to know PHP, it shouldbe the most popular server script to do a forum, hosting site i not so sure u can google for more info about it.
u can use dreamweaver to do it but its gona be tough to do a forum.
for instant forum u can try then you find for invisionfree template design from google, or u design yourself inside invisionfree admin mode.
but if u really gona do your own personal forum like sgforum, u really need to know PHP, i think ASP can be done not too sure.
u can use dreamweave to modify available open source forums like phpbb to your individual needs. it beats developing the forum all over again, its like reinventing the wheel which you do not need to.
read up on php.