a dwarf hamster, i presume..
a bag of hamster feed costs very little and lasts a long time if you have one hamster...
clean the cage often as it gets pretty naff quickly... get some chinchilla powder bath for it to clean itself.. put in a small container and it'll clean itself instinctively.. remember to give it some protein like egg white once a week.. handle it constantly so that it gets used to being handle..
best if you get hamsters which are just weaned so that they won't become aggressive towards you...
give it places to hide and sleep.. a little house thing you can get from the pet shop is good.. give it things like toilet roll cores to hide in.. give it a wheel to run for exercise, and fresh water in a feeder bottle...
and also important, get one of those mineral stones for it to gnaw on so that it doesn't lack minerals..
good luck and love your hamster