Originally posted by oxford mushroom:
You didn't say if you have a local or general anaesthesia. Usually, if you remove 1 or 2 molars on one side, local anaesthesia by way of a nerve block is sufficient. For more extensive procedures, general anaesthesia may be used and in that case, you may have had a tube down your windpipe, which may give you a sore throat.
I guess you probably had LA. If you have a pharyngitis/tonsillitis, it may be totally coincidental. On the other hand, if you had some infection related to an impacted wisdom tooth, for example, during surgery the infection might well have tracked down to the throat and give you symptoms now.
Most important is to check that you do not have a pre-existent heart problem (previous rheumatic heart disease, congenital or acquired valve disorders, hole in the heart...that sort of thing). If you do, you should have had antibiotic prophylaxis. If not, a pharyngitis/tonsilitis will get better with symptomatic and if necessary, antibiotic treatment. I guess you might be already on antibiotics on account of the wisdom tooth extraction, especially if it was inflamed.
See your GP if your symptoms persist and he will be able to tell you what's wrong.
It was surgery under GA.
And I'm still bleeding 3 days after the extraction.

Have another appointment this week so I'm not planning to go to a doctor for the bleeding since it's not excessive.
Thanks OM.