Originally posted by Sleeping Forest:
is it true tt people tt drink cold drinks more often has a lower resistant to higher temperature causing them to sweat more easily?
There is a condition termed Hyperthyroidism that you may want to read up about... in this condition, the body's metabolism speed is stirred up so much, that it is constantly burning fuel (food) unnecessarily because of raised thyroid hormone secretions from the overactive thyroid glands.
The most common cause is Grave's Disease which is an autoimmune disorder that stimulate the gland to overproduce such hormones. Thyroid hormones are involved in the millions of processes in the cells. You will often find these people feeling hot in an extremely cold weather, even though its 0 C, they will still say it's very hot, and they will start sweating...
But for your condition above, I would say no, there wouldn't be a difference in threshold of temperature differences related to the diet or fluids you consume... Otherwise, you can start a statistic to find out