Prevention of ulcers:
Sores or ulcers can be caused by a vitamin or mineral deficiency, supplements of vitamins C and B complex, as well as folic acid, iron, and zinc, may help.
1.Acidophilus (Lactobacillus acidophilus) Aids in maintaining healthy balance of intestinal flora ("friendly" bacteria). Use a high-potency powdered form. Can be found in the drink Yakult and Vitagen.
2.Vitamin B complex. Important for immune function and healing.
Dosage: 50 mg of each major B vitamin 3 times daily.
3.Extra vitamin B3 (niacin) Deficiencies of niacin have been linked to mouth sores.
Dosage: 50-100 mg 3 times daily. Do not exceed this amount.
Caution: Do not take niacin if you have a liver disorder, gout, or high blood pressure.
4. Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5). Necessary for adrenal function.
Dosage: 50-100 mg 3 times daily.
5. Vitamin B12
Dosage: 1,000-2,000 mcg daily, on an empty stomach.
5. Folic acid
Dosage: 400 mcg daily.
6. Vitamin C with bioflavonoids. Fights infection and boosts the immune system.
Dosage: 3,000-8,000 mg daily, in divided doses.
7. Zinc lozenges. Enhances immune function and aids healing.
Dosage: 1 15-mg lozenge every 3 waking hours for 2 days. Do not exceed a total of 100 mg daily. Take with 3 mg copper.
Well, seems like a alot to take, in short, just go for multi-vitamins! But do look out for its contents. Remember to check for Vit. B, B complex, Vit. C, Folic acid, Calcium (esp. for ladies) and Zinc.

However, do choose them carefully, as more and more different types are coming out to cater for different ages and gender.
Personally i would go for Centrum. But currently taking Healtheries, women's mutli. Iron, evening primrose oil and all the abv mentioned in one bottle.