Notifiable Disease #4
Ugh! Headaches - MigraineLasting from 4-72 hours per episode and 1-2 attacks in a month, such a throbbing headache, typically described by patient as having pain only at one particular side of the skull reflects it's nature of attack. One would often get the attacks in an enormous amount of stress, cigarette smoking, alcohol, lack of sleep, taking foods that trigger it, hormonal changes during menstruation or puberty, certain medication, bright light or loud noises.
It is uncertain as for the cause but is typically classified into two types, classic migraine and common migraine, in which the sole differentiation is that those with classic migraine experience an aura before going into an attack...
The aura can be visual or sensory, visual being able to see zig-zag lines, dotty vision and flashes of lights, and sensory being feeling numbness over the site of pre-emptive pain.
When you know you are going to suffer an attack soon, try to calm down yourself, get away from your work-desk or whatever that has been giving you the trigger factor. Sleep in a silent and dark room, most people find this the best way to get off it. There is typically no cure for migraine, but there are medications to relieve your symptoms.