Originally posted by John The Baptist:
Well, u're free to share your views abt the end times tribulation then if no pretrib rapture. I agree that there're other views like post trib or mid trib rapture. Perhaps u can share your views instead of dissecting our views.
If no pre trib rapture, then we might have to endure all the martyrdom & beheading to remain faithful to Christ under the dictatorship of Antichrist. But is anyone of u ready here even if no pre trib rapture? Just a question like what Icemoon raised in EH-who wants to be a martyr? Of w/c i raised hand reluctantly bcos BH & a few others raised their hands. Care to comment?
Err... I have already stated, I DID NOT DISSECT the original thread or your views. So can we give the "dissecting" word a rest, please, at least for now.
I also did not state I do not believe in rapture. In reality, what I believe about what end times will be, is irrelevant to the topic.
I have stated all I needed to state on this topic:
1. Original question is as rrelevant as "when is the worst time to be save". (you may want to reread my earlier explanations)
2. Intention of the original question is to have fun (as can be found in the first post). I took this at face value, did not attempt to infer anything from it. HH was very clear with that and as I had said, I refuse to attempt to even read between the lines.
3. Thread will take another path is the original question is different. If it was the intention to talk about those who did not get raptured, the question has to be reworded. Eg: "Have you eaten?" is a different question from "What have you ate?" even though the two objects of the question are the same: you and food.
ONE MORE POINT: we are not talking about martyrdom. Either start a new thread or go back to EH, it is not necessary to introduce this here.
I repeat, everything I want to say on the topic (ie first post by HH) I have already said. I have nothing else to comment unless it is with regards to the points I have raised (which I believe is clear enough for anyone to understand).