you are still alive, so there is still chance for you to restart your career if you wish to. Think positive.
I am in the process at looking at baking schools to hoepfully reinvent myself as a blue collarworker.
Wow, Jetta,
Judging from your post you must be pretty old.
Life isn't about high-flying jobs (in that case I should probably commit suicide as my old school mates are in Oxford, UCLA, ANU, Stanford, basically, doing very well academically.) or massive wealth.
Its about being happy. Sometimes people think that by having a glitzy qualification or some high-flying job, their lives will improve, their problems will be solved. But with these things comes new challenges and new problems - it doesn't guarentee you astounding success or happiness and contentment in life.
Many do not have happy marriages, or even faithful/happy spouses - or even a partner at all. Whereas you are well settled with a wife and your kids. These are what people sought after in life - even after all their wealth and jobs - its what they desire. Many do not achieve it, and know not how to balance life with spouses and children, with their demanding jobs that take them away from their families most of the day or week.
Its not much of a life to consider or enjoy, really.
I think its a case of the grass is greener on the other side. You'll be surprised, many people probably will admire your lifestyle and your settled status as one they yearn to have but cannot achieve.