Hmmmm prata???
angpao collection days
I want more angpaos
Originally posted by fairlady_xoxo:I want more angpaos
how much did u get?
Haven't counted...but i think its a lot hahaha
Originally posted by fairlady_xoxo:Haven't counted...but i think its a lot hahaha
just asking..if its too personal..u dun have to answer it
usually average how much?
mine less than 50 currently. buy new year goods already exceed liao.
Originally posted by StarPuppy:just asking..if its too personal..u dun have to answer it
usually average how much?
$300 - $500 +
就是è¦�å¦ä¹ 怎么去爱人和怎么去被人爱~ Don't you
Disagree. 如果人�懂得自爱,什么去爱人和被人爱都是�的。
人首先必须å¦ä¹ 的是懂得自爱和独力。
Originally posted by fairlady_xoxo:$300 - $500 + greedy
Originally posted by greedy